Top 10 Process Automation Solutions

Many companies are beginning to discover the benefits of automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks. These tasks may be essential to the business's overall functioning, but they're rarely the best use of an employee's creative skills. 

What's more, because repetitive tasks often cause engagement to dwindle, there's often a higher chance of human error. To prevent unnecessary problems, and boost team productivity, organisations are turning to robotic process automation. RPA, or robotic process automation software removes the repetitive tasks from an employee's to-do list.

Here are some of the best RPA tool options.


Named a Gartner Magic Quadrant leader for RPA solutions, BluePrism is one of the most impressive companies in this sector. The company promises business leaders a new way of automating tasks in a way that's both cost-effective and intelligent. 

BluePrism changes the way that companies think about automation by overcoming repetitive process challenges at scale. You can use the solution to find tasks in your company that are reducing employee productivity and wasting valuable resources. BluePrism then provides the tools you need to connectors, AI skills, and digital workers that give your employees more of their valuable time back.


Another Gartner Magic Quadrant leader for the 2020 RPA report, UiPath gives business leaders all the core capabilities they need for automation and time management. With UiPath, companies can discover automation opportunities in their everyday processes. With an automation hub, you can track down which tasks are best for your business to automate. There's also support for Citrix, which supports 8-10 times faster automation results. 

Businesses can build the automations that suit them quickly using advanced technology within the UiPath landscape, then manage, deploy, and optimize automation at an enterprise-level scale. There's even the option to test robots and determine how well they perform, so you can get buy-in from shareholders for new RPA solutions. 


Edgeverve offers its RPA solutions through the AssistEdge service. This highly scalable and intelligent RPA platform provides an innovative and secure way for companies to access RPA benefits. You can implement RPA systems with your chat bots and emails or use the technology for AI and machine learning. 

If you're looking for a convenient way to access both attended and unattended automation opportunities, AssistEdge from Edgeverve can help. There's even the option to request a demonstration of the technology for free.


Named a visionary by the Gartner Magic Quadrant for RPA tools, Pega provides a host of robotic process automation tools to assist businesses in achieving their next level of growth. With Pega, you can automate repetitive work so that team members have more time to spend on customers and creative tasks. There's support for bridging the gap between legacy and modern tech systems too. 

Pega makes it quick and simple for companies investing in digital transformation to speed up their processes and eliminate unnecessary errors. The company offers a combination of attended and unattended RPA solutions so teams can work alone, or side-by-side with bots.

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere gives businesses of all sizes an easy entry point to Robotic Process Automation. The latest innovative solution in the Automation Anywhere RPA portfolio is AARI, a simple RPA system that increases adoption across the enterprise and allows anyone to start building effective automation workflows.

With Automation Anywhere, companies can start slowly with basic automation features, then gradually upgrade with more functionality. The RPA solutions work seamlessly in the front office and back-office, with various options for extendibility.


Nintex, a world leader for Robotic Process Automation technology, recently purchased K2 software, another provider of digital process automation solutions, to create an enhanced environment for modern companies. By combining forces with K2, Nintex became a powerful company serving more than 10,000 organisations worldwide, including more than 50% of the current Fortune 500.

Nintex is now the world's largest privately-held vendor for process automation software. The Nintex platform allows companies from all backgrounds to map and visually manage business processes. You can quickly eliminate time-consuming processes and improve operational efficiency. 


A top-performing company in the RPA industry, Catalytic helps businesses to build smart and automated workflows, fast. With a no-code platform, companies don't need to invest in developer expertise to begin making leader more digitally-enhanced operations. With Catalytic, you can coordinate people and tasks easily, automating repetitive work, and connecting distributed systems to reduce silos.

There's a free trial of the platform available to help you experiment with workflow creation and AI features before you spend anything. Within no time, you can see the benefits of better workflows in your company and create positive company-wide results.


Inviting companies around the world to transform their operations with AI and automation, Kryon offers a full-cycle RPA system. The full-cycle automation suite from this company is the only solution delivering process recovery, analytics, and deployment in one platform. A Total Economic Impact study from Forrester found that Kryon full-cycle RPA could lead to 352% ROI. You can access everything from unattended and attended RPA, to a hybrid solution of both.

Kryon's scalable system works according to the needs of your business, with plenty of opportunities to adapt and customize according to your needs. Thanks to their comprehensive solution, Kryon has appeared in top positions on various market reports, including the Everest Group RPA peak matrix for 2020.


ABBYY provides digital intelligence solutions for RPA. Whether you're looking for a way to automate simple structured data for easy-to-complete tasks, or you need to invest in more complex operations that combine humans with robot support, ABBYY can help. The ABBYY process intelligence service allows you to determine which processes you should automate. 

Once you know what you need to digitally transform, ABBYY offers 100% visibility into your processes based on your actual operational data. Your employees also get full insights into how to use automated processes and content effectively. ABBYY even comes with convenient solutions to help transform your robots into compliance officers too.


With RPA solutions from Hyperscience, companies can better automate repetitive tasks within their workflow, and boost the productivity of employees. Hyperscience stands out as an innovative automation company, and the first software-designed input-to-outcome automation platform used by government organizations and global 2000s worldwide. 

Hyperscience specialises in intelligent document processing. With configurable options available from the ground-up, companies can design a custom intelligent documentation processing solution that moulds to their operations for today and tomorrow.