RSA Security 2020 is well underway, with attendees heading to San Francisco in their tens of thousands to be there. Like every year, the conference is going to inspire powerful conversation covering some of the most groundbreaking ideas in cybersecurity.
The theme of this year's conference is the 'Human Element'. Despite the technologies and solutions available to us, humans play the largest part in the fight against bad actors. In particular, businesses must consider cybersecurity education and democratisation and remind themselves that humans are the most powerful tool at a company's dispense.
The theme has brought out a number of interesting topics that the event will explore this year, particularly by keynote speakers. Some of our favourites include:
We the People: Democratising Security
Wendy Nather, Head of Advisory CISOs at Cisco, is leading the conversation on democratising security. Wendy's belief is that we need to change hearts and minds as well as technologies to successfully pull off security democratisation. In her keynote, she is demonstrating why we need to shift attitudes towards the people we serve, especially those surrounding humans being the 'weakest link'.
Navigating Privacy in a Data-Driven World: Treating Privacy as a Human Right
As people become increasingly aware of their personal data and privacy, privacy risks have risen in newsworthiness. In light of its newfound fame, it makes an appropriate time for industry to consider privacy as a human right. Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, spearheads the conversation in his keynote. In particular, Jules addresses how brands can change the narrative to support trusted uses of personal data. As well as this, he outlines the technologies that will create the greatest risks in the next 10 years.
Fear and Loathing in Cybersecurity: An Analysis of the Psychology of Fear
Cygenta's Co-Chief Executive Officer, Dr Jessica Barker, outlines why we cannot continue simply scaring people into security. Instead, she draws on research surrounding the sociology and psychology of fear to better harness human bias. In turn, a positive impact can be had on cybersecurity awareness, behaviour, and culture.
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