Infosecurity Europe 2024, the biggest gathering of the information security industry in Europe, has just come to a close following three days of ground-breaking stories, intuitive discussions, and informative keynotes from some of the brightest minds in cyber.
The three-day event took place at the ExCel in England’s capital and invited experts from around the world to offer vital insights and learning programs to cover some of the cyber security’s most pressing issues.
Featuring nearly 250 speakers, over 350 exhibitors and thousands of attendees, the event delved deep into some of the biggest trends and challenges that are front-of-mind for the security industry’s biggest movers and shakers.
With the backdrop of increasingly high-profile breaches – including the massive Ticketmaster attack just last week – this year’s event focused on uniting the security community against the ever-present threat of devasting, destructive cyber attacks.
Insightful conversations about security
The conference kicked off on Tuesday with a fascinating discussion from the globally recognised advisor, speaker, and broadcaster Henry Ajder, who discussed how the cybersecurity industry can unlock the future of generative AI and navigate the evolving Deepfake landscape.
Another standout session came from Krasimir Kotsev, CEO of Kikimora.io, who discussed the rise of vulnerability intelligence and how it can help organizations save 50% of their costs and greatly reduce remediation times at the start-up stage
Wednesday saw more insightful discussions and insightful keynote presentations, including a talk from Forrester about navigating Europe’s Evolving Threat Ecosystem and a keynote from Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes, otherwise known as The High-Performance Podcasters.
There was also a great discussion between Ian Hill, Director of Information & Cyber Security at Blockmoor, Sarah Lawson, CISO and Deputy CIO, University College London, and Jurga Zilinskiene MBE CEO and Founder, Guildhawk about Unlocking AI's Value, Safely and Securely.
Finally on Thursday, one of the most prominent and successful figures in Formula 1 history, Claire Williams OBE, stepped onto the stage to provide insights into how organizations can unlock the formula for cybersecurity success.
In the keynote, she explores why engaging a vast workforce, embedding key cybersecurity values, and motivating others to have conviction in operating to the best of their ability will and always have been crucial to cybersecurity success.
EM360Tech at Infosecurity Europe
As official media partners of Infosecurity Europe, the EM360Tech editorial team attended the event to speak to industry leaders, experts and key vendors to discuss all things cybersecurity.
It was incredibly exciting, insightful, and busy for the EM360 team, who spoke to over 25 data experts about some of the latest data trends leading the discussions at the event and the importance of the event in the global data community.
We’ll be posting all of our interviews to our Video Resources page, so stay tuned to listen to all of the conversations we had with experts at this incredible event!