The framework aims to inform CISOs, Security Managers and IT Directors how to successfully deploy and maintain an identity governance solution and realize the security, compliance, and efficiency benefits needed to run their business.

Over the past 20+ years, Omada has built up a body of knowledge from a significant number of IGA deployments in some of the world’s largest enterprises as well as in many medium-sized businesses. Omada’s expertise has been formalized into the IdentityPROCESS+ best practice framework.

IdentityPROCESS+ describes the most important processes needed to ensure a successful IGA deployment. The identity governance framework has been developed with the goal of supporting IGA projects and to help organizations implement well-proven best practice processes, reducing the need to ‘re-invent the wheel’.

The IGA framework covers:

Introduction to the different aspects of IGA

Overview of the potential challenges in implementing IGA projects

Overall highlight of the process areas

In-depth insights into each process area in the framework