BlackFog: CISO Job Security – Work/Life Balance Report

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The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is one of the most vital roles in any organization. As an executive-level decision maker responsible for securing an organization’s data, the CISO role is typically considered the final rung of the cybersecurity career ladder, yet almost one-third of CISOs and IT security leaders surveyed in this 2022 report were considering leaving their position in the next six months. 

This 2022 research explores the frustrations and challenges faced by cybersecurity leaders also highlights the impact that cyber incidents have on turnover and job security. It revealed that of those who had been a CISO or IT security leader at a previous organization, two fifths (41%) either left, or were let go, due to an attack or data breach.

Read this whitepaper to gain insight into the challenges and frustrations that modern CISOs face. The findings will help organizations go beyond compensation and consider valuable quality-of-life improvements that attract and retain top talent.

Learn more about BlackFog’s ADX technology and register for a demo via this link.