C-suite positions within companies come with responsibility, and if you're not on the ball, neither is your company. This is where Dr. Eric Cole's CISO Certification Course comes in handy. Teaching you how to make your company thrive in this complex world, this six module course provides monthly group coaching calls and a real CISO certificate. Don't just take our word for it though; check out the top five reasons to join this course from The Doctor himself.
Defensive Strategy
"Let's face it, your role as a CISO is to defend the organisation; it's to build an appropriate strategy for properly defending your organisation from attacks. So, because you're responsible for the defensive strategy, you need to make sure that you understand the offensive strategy."
In the course, Dr. Eric Cole teaches users how the offence works, allowing you to anticipate threats before they even occur. This goes beyond being reactive; this is predictive, and in 2021, this is the mindset that organisations need to have.
Take control of your future career and sign up for the course today by clicking here.
Try to Say Yes
"If somebody comes up and asks whether we can do something or not in the name of security, I know the traditional method is no, or if it sounds crazy or bizarre we want to say, 'No, no, no,' but in reality, if it could really help the business, and it could make the business significant money, why wouldn't we say yes?"
This course encourages leaders to view things from newer perspectives where ideas that we would typically reject are given the attention that they deserve. If your company is struggling, why would you not listen to a new idea that could help the company?
Value vs Risk
"To me, what's obvious to us is not obvious to others. So, the rule that I have after that experience, and many with executives, is I always have the conversation. I'll always sit there and go, 'OK, here's the value and benefit, here's the security risks. First and foremost, is this risk worth it?'"
For organisations, striking the balance between what risk you're willing to take and the value of an idea is difficult to get right. With this course, Dr. Cole helps you decide what an acceptable level of risk is and what you need to do to reduce the level of risk.
Multiple Levels of Protection
"I want to make sure that we're understanding that defence in depth is more than just a numbers' game. This idea of defence in depth is no single technology is going to make you secure. There is no single technology; there is no magic box that if you put on the network, and you sprinkle some pixie dust over it, it will magically make you secure. That's why we have to go in and have multiple levels of protection in our environment."
In this course, Dr. Eric Cole teaches you how to keep your business safe through multiple levels of security. We all know that adversaries only get smarter as time goes on, and if we want to stay ahead of the curve, we are going to have to get smarter too.
Be a Winner
"I have a lot of quotes that I'm going to use because I think they illustrate really core principles. 'There are those who look at thing that exist and ask "Why?" and there are others that look at things that do not exist and ask, "Why not?" Which person are you?'
The best way to be successful in a company is by acknowledging that you are the person that could lead it to success. In this course, Dr. Eric Cole will teach you the key to being a winner.
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