Databases are essential for businesses that need to store critical data. Whether you’re storing information for auditing or for security purposes, you’ll need an environment where you can keep your data safe and organised too. 

Database management solutions (DBMS) are designed to format data for storage in databases. These tools can also give business leaders access to a complete overview of their data through the command line SQL environment. If you’re thinking about database management, here are some of the options you should be considering.


SolarWinds database performance analyser is just one tool in the highly impressive SolarWinds portfolio. Their DBMS is designed specifically for virtualised databases. With it, you can access modern features such as machine learning, cross-platform data management, expert tuning, and automation API support. 

The SolarWinds offering provides cross-platform database support for both cloud and on-premises. Furthermore, it comes equipped with machine learning capabilities to alert you to any anomalies. Polished with an intuitive user interface, SolarWinds delivers an effective and accessible solution in one.


IBM Db2 is a family of data management products built into a hybrid solution, providing companies with a complete suite of DBMSs combined with artificial intelligence (AI). The product helps developers and architects manage and analyse structured and unstructured data, both on-premise and in the cloud. 

The Db2 solution also uses an intelligence SQL engine which is ideal for supporting consistent scalability and flexibility. In turn, organisations can enjoy actionable insights into customer behaviour to channel into market share growth, cost reductions, and successful AI initiatives.


MariaDB stands out as a community-development open source relational database, and its creators, the original developers of MySQL, promise that MariaDB will remain open source always. The offering is fast, scalable, and robust, and comes with a rich ecosystem of storage engines, plugins and more. In turn, organisations can use MariaDB for a wide range of business needs.

The MariaDB Foundation oversees the offering and supports continuity and open collaboration in the platform’s ecosystem. The foundation is a non-stock not-for-profit and states that no single person or company can dictate priorities or code to the MariaDB community.


When it comes to modern businesses and digital transformation, you can always count on Cloudera. The company’s operational database brings businesses a secure, low-latency, high-concurrency experience to draw real-time insights from your big data.

This scalable offering can cater for traditional structured data as well as new, unstructured data, all in a unified open source platform. What’s more, it can be deployed anywhere, making it an easy addition for those which are looking to modernise their data strategy.


If you’re looking to take advantage of unlimited scalability, then Neo4j is the solution for you. Neo4j’s offering is a highly scalable native graph database which can leverage not only data, but data relationships too.

A native graph storage and processing engine is at the heart of Neo4j, which enables developers to build the intelligent applications they need. It also promises an intuitive and secure database to deliver unique, actionable insights.

Amazon RDS

The Amazon Relational Database Software is an easy-to-use relational database system that runs in the cloud. Businesses can use it to set up and scale your database strategy with just a couple of clicks. Deploying production databases in a multi-availability zone means that businesses can also access a flexible disaster recovery plan too. 

Amazon’s technology is available on various database instance types, catering for different needs, like performance or memory. Additionally, you can use the technology to automate numerous time-consuming tasks like hardware provisioning, patching, and backups.


As one of the original DBMS tools, you simply can’t talk database management without giving a nod to Teradata. The Teradata advanced SQL Engine is one of the leading DBMS tools on the market, powered by industry-leading technology. Notably, it also comes with Teradata’s patented massively parallel processing architecture.

Its unique structure breaks down complex analytical workloads and distribute them into their most efficient formats. The advanced SQL engine provides businesses with timely and accurate insights as well as opportunities for business leaders to align their workload and priorities.


Couchbase is a NoSQL cloud database for business-critical applications which provides an enterprise-class, multicloud-to-edge database like no other. The platform prides itself on being highly scalable and available. What’s more, it’s powered by the synergy of the best of NoSQL with that of SQL.

Couchbase has received many accolades, including recognition in Deloitte’s 2019 Technology Fast 500 as well winning the FS Tech Awards’ Anti-fraud Solution of the Year. The company also has a highly impressive client portfolio, including Louis Vuitton, LinkedIn, and Verizon.

Oracle RDBMS

Oracle RDBMS, better known simply as Oracle, is a market leader in the field, indicated in its recognition in Gartner’s 2019 Magic Quadrant. The latest version of Oracle’s DBMS tool encompasses larger databases, takes up minimal space, and is even more secure than its predecessors. With Oracle, you can set up autonomous database structures to take over the repetitive tasks that come with database management.

Oracle also offers the MySQL Workbench – a unified visual tool with a host of capabilities. These include data modelling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and more.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is among the most effective DBMSs on the market today. Notably, the tool is free, making it a hugely compelling factor and one of the many reasons it has such a large user base. This custom-built graphical integration of database designs has been saving users considerable time and effort for a number of years. 

The Microsoft solution comes with access to multiple designs, tables, and solutions to view data without syntax. It also boasts ease of use and is set up for developers from various backgrounds. Finally, Microsoft SQL can also integrate with other platforms. This makes it a perfect solution if you’re wanting to hit the ground running.