benefits of edge computing

While edge computing still remains a rather new and unfamiliar concept in the enterprise, more and more businesses are starting to embrace the emerging computing paradigm. 

The edge computing market was valued at $11.24 billion in 2022 and it is expected to grow to a whopping $445 billion by 2030, driven by the growth in the number of connected devices, and the need for higher levels of automation, operational efficiency and cost reduction. 

But for businesses to successfully harness the power of edge computing, they must first understand how it can revolutionise the way they operate and the benefits it can bring to the enterprise. 

In this list, we’re exploring ten of the most notable benefits of edge computing, exploring how it is transforming the enterprise and could help you grow your business. 

Smart Manufacturing 

In the manufacturing industry – where timely decision-making and operational agility are critical – edge computing plays a pivotal role in enabling real-time data processing, enhancing automation, optimising operations, and improving overall efficiency. Edge devices, such as sensors and controllers, can be placed on machines and equipment in manufacturing facilities to collect and process data in real time. This enables continuous monitoring of machinery performance, detecting anomalies, and predicting potential failures. By pairing edge computers with machine learning algorithms at the edge, manufacturers can also implement predictive maintenance strategies, reducing unplanned downtime and optimising maintenance schedules.


As well as improving efficiency, edge computing also empowers manufacturing facilities to make localized decisions and control processes at the edge. By processing data locally, edge devices can quickly analyse information and take immediate action, reducing downtime and minimising reliance on centralized systems. This localised decision-making enables faster response times, improves process efficiency, and enables autonomous decision-making for critical manufacturing operations.  Edge devices equipped with vision systems and AI algorithms can also perform real-time quality control and defect detection on the production line. By analysing visual data at the edge, manufacturers can identify defects and anomalies in real-time, ensuring high product quality and minimizing waste. 

Reduced operational costs and lower storage Needs

The benefits of edge computing expand far beyond manufacturing. Across the enterprise, it eliminates the need for data to travel back to the central server for processing and decision-making, resulting in cost savings and reduced storage requirements. By processing data locally at the edge, devices can autonomously execute functions without relying on constant connectivity to the central server. This minimises data transfer and storage costs by filtering, aggregating, and processing data locally before sending relevant information to the centralised system or cloud, allowing businesses to reduce bandwidth requirements and l associated expenses. 


Edge computing also allows businesses can perform data processing and analysis locally, eliminating the need for expensive, high-capacity centralised servers. This decentralised approach reduces the need for extensive storage capacity, as only critical data or actionable insights are transmitted to the centralized system. Edge computers can enhance operational efficiency by enabling real-time decision-making and immediate response at the edge. This reduces downtime, optimises resource allocation, and mitigates the potential financial impact of system failures.

​​Edge security

For businesses with large and complex security systems, edge computing addresses the limitations faced by traditional centralised systems by improving efficiency and lowering bandwidth use. Edge computing minimises latency and optimises bandwidth usage by processing data locally, resulting in faster response times, particularly crucial for time-sensitive applications like video surveillance. But with edge computing, each motion-detection camera would have an internal computer to run the application and then send footage to the cloud server on an as-needed basis, allowing data to be continuously streamed a signal to the cloud server.  This improves Bandwidth as only pertinent data or alerts are transmitted to the centralized system, thereby mitigating network congestion.


The incorporation of AI algorithms at the edge also allowed suspicious activities to be identified swiftly, enabling a  proactive response and diminishing the reliance on centralised monitoring centres. Edge devices equipped with AI algorithms can analyze data locally, enabling immediate actions like access control, threat mitigation, and alarm triggering, thereby enhancing overall responsiveness. This allows security systems to make independent decisions at the edge, even in situations where network connectivity is intermittent. 

A more efficient supply chain

By bringing computing power closer to the edge of the network, edge computing also makes the supply chain significantly more efficient. The technology allows businesses to analyse data from various points along the supply chain, such as inventory levels, demand forecasts, and logistics information, providing real-time visibility and insights.  This enables for efficient inventory management, streamlined logistics, and just-in-time production, ultimately reducing costs and improving supply chain responsiveness.


Edge computing also greatly improves visibility and tracking capabilities throughout the supply chain, with edge devices continuously collecting and analyzing data, the supply chain allows stakeholders can monitor the movement of goods, track assets, and gain real-time insights into inventory levels and demand fluctuations. Coupled with advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, this empowers supply chain managers to perform predictive analytics and demand forecasting at the edge. By analyzing historical data, market trends, and real-time information, edge devices can generate accurate demand forecasts, enabling proactive inventory management, production planning, and supply chain optimisation.

No more excess data

Edge computing eliminates excess data by processing and analysing information at the edge of the network, closer to where it is generated. Traditional centralised systems often face challenges with handling vast amounts of data, leading to issues such as network congestion, increased storage requirements, and higher processing costs. However, with edge computing, data filtering and preprocessing occur locally, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the centralized system.


Edge devices, such as sensors and IoT devices, can apply filters and algorithms to the data, extracting only relevant and valuable information. By performing data analytics and decision-making at the edge, only the insights and actionable data are sent to the central system, eliminating excess and redundant information. This not only reduces bandwidth usage but also optimises network performance and reduces latency. Edge computing also enables real-time decision-making and immediate response to events. Since this data is processed locally, it eliminates the need to transmit data back and forth to a centralized server for analysis. This approach efficiently addresses the challenge of excess data by filtering and preprocessing it at the edge, resulting in improved network efficiency, reduced costs, and faster decision-making.

More Immersive Augmented Reality (AR)

Edge computing plays a crucial role in enabling more vivid augmented reality (AR) experiences by reducing latency, improving processing power, and enhancing user immersion. AR applications rely on real-time processing and seamless integration of virtual elements with the real world, requiring rapid data analysis and response. By leveraging edge computing, AR devices can offload processing tasks to edge servers or local edge devices, minimizing latency and ensuring smooth and responsive AR interactions. This reduced latency is essential for delivering real-time information and rendering virtual objects accurately, resulting in a more immersive and seamless AR experience. 


Edge computing also provides the computational power needed to handle complex AR algorithms and graphics rendering, allowing for more sophisticated and visually stunning AR content. With edge computing, AR applications can leverage the resources and capabilities of edge devices, taking advantage of their proximity to the user and the environment to deliver context-aware and personalized AR experiences. This localisation of processing power also reduces the dependence on cloud connectivity, enabling AR applications to function even in areas with limited or unstable network connectivity.

AI and ML at the edge

The widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) AND Machine Learning (ML), has clearly become an inevitable trend in the “big data era” brought by IoT. With the development and adoption of AI and ML technologies accelerating, it has opened up a host of new avenues for AI and ML applications at the edge. AI and ML bring intelligence to edge devices, allowing them to perform complex tasks autonomously without solely depending on cloud-based solutions. AI algorithms deployed at the edge can quickly extract insights, detect patterns, and make data-driven decisions without the need for constant connectivity to a centralised system. This real-time analysis and decision-making capability is particularly valuable in time-sensitive applications such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and remote monitoring. It also grants them access to data within their immediate environment, closer to where it is generated,  allowing for faster data analysis, immediate insights, and autonomous actions, empowering edge devices to make decisions in real time.


AI and ML at the end also facilitate predictive analytics and proactive maintenance, allowing enterprises to anticipate issues and mitigate them before they cause disruptions. By analysing data in real-time, edge devices can detect different anomalies and patterns while operating,  enabling predictive maintenance and optimising resource allocation. With the ability to process and analyze data at the edge, enterprises can also deliver tailored recommendations, personalised offers, and customized services based on real-time insights and user preferences. This level of customisation enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, while ultimately driving business growth.

Enhanced Data Security and Privacy 

Edge computing significantly enhances data security and privacy by reducing the risks associated with transmitting sensitive information to centralized servers or the cloud. With edge computing, data is processed and analyzed closer to its source, minimizing the need for extensive data transfers. This localised approach reduces the exposure of sensitive data to potential breaches during transmission, thereby enhancing security. Edge computing also allows for the implementation of robust security measures directly at the edge devices, such as encryption, access controls, and anomaly detection, strengthening data protection. By keeping data within the edge environment, organisations have greater control over their data and can ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Furthermore, edge computing enables the anonymization and aggregation of data at the edge, reducing the risk of personally identifiable information (PII) exposure. 


By aggregating and analyzing data locally, edge computing also reduces reliance on third-party services, minimizing the potential vulnerabilities associated with data transfers to external entities. In summary, edge computing improves data security and privacy by reducing data exposure during transmission, enabling localized security measures, ensuring compliance, and minimizing reliance on external entities, ultimately enhancing the overall security posture of an organization's data infrastructure.

Improved scalability and flexibility 

By distributing computing resources closer to the edge of the network, organisations can easily accommodate growing demands and adapt to changing requirements. Edge computing enables the addition of edge devices as needed, allowing for seamless scalability without significant infrastructure changes. This flexible architecture allows for efficient resource allocation, ensuring that computational power is allocated where it is needed most. It also provides the agility to scale up or down based on specific workloads or operational needs, optimizing resource utilisation and cost-effectiveness.


Edge computing also allows for localized processing and decision-making, reducing reliance on centralized systems. This decentralization of computing power enhances flexibility by enabling edge devices to operate autonomously even in the absence of continuous connectivity to a central server. Localised decision-making and processing ensure uninterrupted operations and faster response times, critical for applications that require real-time actions or instantaneous decision-making. With edge devices acting as edge gateways, organisations can easily incorporate new devices, sensors, or applications at the edge without disrupting the entire network. This flexibility enables organizations to adopt emerging technologies and leverage innovative solutions while maintaining compatibility with their existing infrastructure.

Edge-enabled Internet of Things (IoT)

Edge computing goes hand-in-hand with the Internet of Things IoT. The integration of edge computing with IoT deployments allows businesses to unlock the full potential of IoT deployments. A typical IoT system works by continuously sending, receiving, and analyzing data in a feedback loop. IoT apps might process data daily, hourly or in response to external triggers of time, aided by AI and ML algorithms to help derive insights from massive data volumes. But Edge computing allows IoT devices to process and analyse data locally and closer to where it is generated, allowing for faster response times and real-time data analytics while minimising reliance on cloud or centralized infrastructure. This real-time processing capability is especially critical in time-sensitive applications such as industrial automation, smart cities, and autonomous vehicles. 


As well as allowing for real-time data analytics across an IoT network, edge computing also makes IoT devices more scaleable distributing computational resources to the edge, enabling businesses to easily add or remove IoT devices as needed without significant infrastructure changes. This flexibility allows for efficient resource utilisation and supports the seamless expansion of IoT deployments, while also reducing data transmission and storage costs by filtering and aggregating data at the edge, sending only relevant information to the cloud or centralised systems.