Once upon a time in the enterprise landscape, conference and video calling was, well, awkward. Virtual get-togethers were always dread-inducing, worsened by the lesser quality internet connection that might, Heaven forbid, freeze on an unflattering frame of yourself. Fortunately, however, video conferencing technology has come a long way. Powered by better internet connection and higher quality webcams, conference calling is more immersive and fluid than ever before. Each aspect of video conferencing has matured, and it will also continue to do so. For example, the advent of 5G will bring even faster, more reliable connection. Simultaneously, virtual reality is also entering the meeting room scene to make people as telepresent as possible.
The secret is in the sound
An important consideration for achieving the best possible conference call experience is audio. Excuse Captain Obvious here, but without good audio, there is no point in having a call at all. In particular, bad audio can have a significant negative impact on your meeting and, ultimately, its success. Poor audio quality leads to missed communication and, consequently, missed opportunities. Not only that, but it's also highly frustrating for the speaker and listener. Disjointed conversations leads to a loss of productivity and excess time spent – not ideal when businesses use calls for decision-making, brainstorming, and discussion. Furthermore, bad audio also leads to 'listener fatigue'. This phenomenon inhibits engagement because people simply can't follow what is being said. Without being able to converse properly, teams cannot explore ideas well, rendering the whole call pointless. Of course, how bad can your audio really be? Devices today all come with perfectly good speakers built in so that you can hear the other person just fine. However, you can't always guarantee that those further away from the device can hear it well. Picture any meeting room and you'll conjure up images of people sitting around a sizeable table. At the head of the table, or at least, on one side of the room, you may expect to see a screen against the wall. Those sat nearest to it will be able to enjoy a good view and good sound quality. For those further away, well, good visuals are a bonus, but good audio is non-negotiable. So, how can businesses guarantee they are getting the best out of their sound?
Good business stems from good audio
Never leaving you empty-handed, we recommend Stem Audio to help you with your conferencing audio qualms. The Stem Audio offering is more than just a speakerphone; instead, it's an entire ecosystem to help your team enjoy a fully immersive sound experience. With Stem, businesses can enjoy five networkable products to mix and match in meeting rooms of any size, customisable to meet your business's unique needs. It's super personal; Stem customers can start their journey by actually recreating their meeting room virtually to explore the coverage each device can deliver. From the ceiling, to the wall, to the table, Stem has a device to heighten the audio experiences no matter where you need it to go. What's more, Stem recognises that every room has different acoustics. Not taking any shortcuts on any details, Stem's RoomAdapt technology tunes your room with the touch of a button. In turn, it optimises your devices settings effortlessly – and best of all, you only need Ethernet connection to get started.
Don't miss our CxO of the Week, Miku Hirano at Cinnamon!
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