The coronavirus has led the world to a standstill. Airlines, global trade, supply chains, and many more have taken a major hit as COVID-19 continues to spread. As a result, businesses everywhere are considering and implementing preventative measures to mitigate further spreading and protect the health of their employees.
With the general consensus being to keep everyone at arm's length from each other, organisations are increasingly encouraging their staff to stay at home. Furthermore, events, meetings, and conferences frequently face cancellation following concerns surrounding travel and crowded places.
While the well-being of staff is of utmost importance, businesses will face countless missed opportunities in terms of cancelled appointments as a result of these preventative measures. Furthermore, having the entire staff body work from home necessitates a huge shift in culture, and a sudden one at that.
However, businesses can make use of the myriad tools out there to stay connected and keep the business moving forward. In particular, the coronavirus has led to a surge in demand for video conferencing.
Conferencing to keep connected
Spurred by the special offerings from Google, Microsoft, and more, organisations are increasingly taking advantage of video conferencing to bridge the gap preventative measures introduce.
Thanks to video conferencing tools, you can still enjoy personal communication despite not being face-to-face. Unlike voice calls, video conferencing allows the speakers to read each other's expressions and better gauge each other's thoughts. What's more, people are often better prepared for video calls, enabling better progression and productivity. Then, there is the obvious benefit that, with video conference calls, it's easier to see who's speaking.
In terms of connecting with employees, organisations may find video conferencing preferable. Firstly, it will enable employers to properly check in on their staff and ensure they are doing okay given the new arrangement. Secondly, it's always nice to see a friendly face! Employees will go from seeing each other every day to not at all, so they may like to keep up with the familiarity over video.
Video conferencing allows you to continue business as usual, even when the circumstances are unusual. Many vendors are are offering their solutions at a discount, or for free, in response to coronavirus. With more and more businesses giving it a go, who's to say it won't change the future of the workplace forever?
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