Ask the Expert: The Importance of Augmented Emotional Intelligence
Would you believe machines can now read love, laughter, surprise, sadness and as many as 20 other emotions? EMRAYS are at the forefront of developing and stressing the importance of augmented emotional intelligence. We got to speak to Ilia Zaitsev, Co-Founder of EMRAYS, who discussed with us EMRAYS’ use of the largest affective neural model in order to understand and optimise any content read by AI. We also spoke about the future of augmented emotional intelligence and what exciting impacts its presence has made. “BASICALLY, THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IS AN ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN EMOTIONS AND THE EMOTIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE, TO MAKE DECISIONS IN COMPLEXING ENVIRONMENT.” EMRAYS “Ilia Zaitsev” Liked this interview? Check out our current CxO of the week.