Join us in this exciting episode of Tech Transformed, where we talk to Kelly Vero, a pioneering game developer, digital leader, and visionary in the metaverse. With a career spanning 30 years and a resume that includes contributions to legendary franchises like Tomb Raider and Halo 3, Kelly brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

Kelly’s unique journey in the tech world is nothing short of extraordinary. From joining the military to learn about ballistics for Halo 3 to founding the award-winning startup NAK3D, she has always pushed the boundaries of what’s possible. 

Kelly Vero speaks to Paulina Rios Maya about the hurdles of being a woman in the tech industry, the principles of gamification, and the overhyped trends in AI and NFTs. They discuss what’s genuinely beneficial versus what’s just noise.

Key Takeaways: 

  • The gaming industry offers opportunities for problem-solving and creativity.
  • Role models can come from everyday people who inspire and support others.
  • Gamification is about creating an engaging user experience that encourages return and contribution.
  • The tech industry has seen beneficial changes in globalised platforms and a focus on quantum solutions.


00:00 - Introduction and Background

02:28 - The Gaming Industry and Problem Solving

07:36 - Challenges and Role Models in the Tech Industry

11:54 - The Principles and Ethical Considerations of Gamification

18:30 - Beneficial Changes and Overhype in the Tech Industry

20:25 - Creating Digital Objects and the NFT Standard

23:45 - Introducing NAK3D: Bringing Non-Designers into Design