Traditional security models are no longer enough. Identity and Zero Trust have become essential pillars of modern information security strategies. By focusing on “never trust, always verify,” Zero Trust ensures that no user or device is trusted by default—whether inside or outside the network—identity management, meanwhile, safeguards access by verifying who is accessing your systems and data.

Together, these approaches offer a more robust, adaptive defence against cyber threats, helping organisations protect sensitive information and mitigate risk.

In this episode, Chris Steffen, EMA's vice president of research, speaks to Ran Lampert, CEO and co-founder of Infinipoint, about the importance of identity when building your Zero Trust journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identity and device authentication are equally important in Zero Trust.
  • Compliance requirements increasingly demand device verification.
  • Quick wins in identity management can lead to immediate improvements.
  • Gradual implementation of security solutions is key to success.
  • Zero Trust is a continuous journey, not a one-time fix.
  • Integrating user and device authentication can reduce security risks.


00:00 - Introduction to Identity and Zero Trust

02:46 - The Evolving Landscape of Identity and Access Management

06:09 - Understanding Attack Vectors and Security Gaps

09:00 - Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

11:47 - Quick Wins in Identity and Access Management