What is the key to better first response time, more efficiency and higher quality in customer care? Learn more about parlamind Automated Customer Service Solutions for JUNIQE!
Parlamind provides online art shop JUNIQE with faster answers and standardisation of service quality in customer service for higher customer satisfaction and more efficiency.
JUNIQE is the online art shop for premium posters, framed prints and more by talented artists from all over the world.
For it’s customer service JUNIQE wanted to optimize it’s First Response Time through faster as well as higher quality responses to customer enquiries.
On this basis parlamind implemented an AI based automation solution able to correctly identify concrete topics and intentions in e-mail enquiries and independently give recommendations for actions.
In this way JUNIQE Customer Service teams benefit from automatically generated response suggestions and are effectively relieved of processing standard queries.
JUNIQE customers receive quicker answers to their questions and the quality of communication is effectively increased. The new knowledge database with response templates makes it easier to train new customer service employees.
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