Modernise, Integrate, and Automate Your Detection and Response Capabilities with XDR

Organisations see extended detection and response (XDR) as a potential path to helping them detect, identify, and understand complex attacks across the kill chain.

With more than 80% of these organisations actively making investments in threat detection and response, it appears that security teams are in distress.

Anomali commissioned the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to survey IT and cybersecurity professionals across multiple industry verticals to help determine how teams are prioritising investment against attacks.

Key highlights from the study:

  • 38% of cybersecurity professionals believe XDR can provide a centralised management hub for security operations
  • 42% of cybersecurity professionals want an XDR solution that can simplify the visualisation of complex attacks across the kill chain
  • Collecting and processing security data is a major challenge
  • Organisations see XDR as a path to increased security efficacy

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