You can’t produce renewable energy without considering the weather. Changes in temperature, wind speed or precipitation not only impact forecasts for electricity production but also have an impact on electricity trading and the associated sales.

No more is this true for the Swiss energy company BKW. With an installed capacity of over 3,300 megawatts and production facilities in more than 5 countries, around three-quarters of BKW’s electricity mix already consists of hydro, wind and solar energy. 

But with previous weather data deliveries, BKW had to request the weather data individually and accept longer waiting times for it to be made. So they turned to the Metomatics’ AP for a better solution. 

Read this whitepaper to learn:

  • What made BKW choose Meteomatics
  • How BKW Benefits from Meteomatics’ Weather API
  • How Meteomatics created customised solutions for BKW