The EM360 team was at Tech show London 2023 to interview business leaders and industry experts about everything enterprise technology – from AI to cybersecurity to data.   

On Wednesday we spoke to Alexandra Daines, Senior Business Development Manager at Billigence, about International Women’s Day and the state of diversity in the tech industry. 

‘Digital for all'

When asked for her thoughts on the state of gender diversity in the tech space, ms Daines explained that the industry struggles to attract women due to their under-representation in IT and tech teams. 

“There are not many women in the tech and data space, so it was really important to actually be here today to represent Billigence, but also to represent all women,” Ms Daines said. 

“International Women's Day is an annual thing and this year the theme is digital for all. So it was really important to be at the big data and AI world event so that we can represent women in the tech and data space.”

Promoting diversity in tech 

When asked how the enterprise can promote a more diverse-work culture, Ms Daines explained that organisations must promote diversity and inclusion by ensuring their team represents a variety of different cultures and backgrounds. 

“Billigence do it. We have an inclusive workspace, we're multi multicultural and we have added myself and my colleague to the team as part of the sales team – which was all-male before.”

“It's coming to events like this and encouraging women to get into data and into the tech space. If we don't have women in this industry, then more women won't know that it's good to join. It doesn't matter what the data is or who the job is, as long as the person does the job really well, there shouldn't be any bias.”