Biggest employers tech

As companies across industries push adoption of digital technologies, tech professionals have become some of the most in-demand members of today’s workforce. 

In the US alone, employment in tech exceeded three million people in April 2022,  peaking at nearly 3.12 million employees as of January 2023. 

Despite the recent string of layoffs and harsh economic headwinds, the tech industry continues to see drastic growth, with skills in IT, AI and Cybersecurity some of the most valuable and sort-after skills in the world.  

By 2032, Tech employment is set to surpass 6.1 million people in the US alone, with countries around the world seeing similar growth in the space.

With the increasing reliance on technology and digitalisation, companies in this sector have experienced unprecedented growth and have become major global employers. 

In this top 10, we're counting down the top 10 biggest employers in the tech industry, shedding light on their significant contributions to the global tech jobs landscape.

Apple – 164,000 Employees 

We kick off our list with Apple, a Silicon Valley powerhouse whose dominion over the smartphone and computing market has made it the highest-earning tech company in the world. While Apple’s headcount may not come anywhere close to some of the other entries on its list, it boasts the highest revenue per employee of any tech company. It is also the only of the five big tech companies to report continuous headcount growth year by year since 2010, largely due to the fact that it did not embark on the ‘unsustainable hypergrowth’ fulled by the pandemic-era technology boom. Unlike other technology titans, who have experienced fluctuations in their headcounts after being forced to restructure after the pandemic, Apple has maintained a steady upward trajectory. It has not announced any major layoffs since the pandemic and does not plan layoffs anytime soon as of June 2023. 


Looking ahead, Apple shows no signs of slowing down. With ongoing ventures into augmented reality with the recent announcement of its Vision Pro headset and health tech, the company continues to push the boundaries of innovation. As it expands its reach into new sectors, Apple's headcount growth is expected to remain robust, further solidifying its position as a technology behemoth in the years to come. 

Alphabet - 190,234 employees 

Next up on our list we have Alphabet, the parent company of Google and all of its former subsidiaries, including Calico, X, CapitalG and Sidewalk Labs. With a wide range of products and services including its popular Google search engine, YouTube and Android, Alphabet has successfully captured various aspects of the digital landscape, becoming of tech’s most powerful industry titans. Today it harbours a vast and diverse workforce to drive its operations and continued growth and attracts some of the brightest minds in the industry due to its reputation as an innovative and forward-thinking company.  


With Alphabet continuing to expand its operations globally, it is no surprise that it sits among some of the largest employers in the technology sector. Recent technological advancements in AI means are predicted to drive growth in Alphabet subsidiaries such as Deepmind and Google as it moves resources into promoting AI innovation. But it’s not just innovation that is driving growth within the company. The company offers attractive compensation packages, comprehensive benefits, and a vibrant work culture that promotes creativity, collaboration, and work-life balance, driving demand and attracting some of the best talent in the world. As of February 2022, Google and Alphabet had more than 70 offices in over 50 countries around the globe, including Germany, the Czech Republic, Finland, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, and New Zealand. 

Microsoft – 221,000 employees

Another of Silicon Valley’s five tech bemouths, Microsoft harbous an expansive workforce of approximately 221,000 employees to support its expansion and drive innovation. with about 60 per cent of its employees being located in the US. Acquiring companies over the years including LinkedIn, GitHub and Mojang has allowed Microsoft to new markets and integrate diverse talent  into its ecosystem. These acquisitions have expanded Microsoft's product offerings and provided opportunities for the acquired companies' employees to contribute to its massive growth.


Microsoft's commitment to research and development also plays a crucial role in its employment practices. The company invests heavily in innovation, and recently splashed out a whopping $11 billion into ChatGPT creator OpenAI in a bid to harness the new technology and  further its own AI research. Meanwhile Microsoft's cloud computing platform Azure has seen significant growth in recent years, Mircosoft and has ramped up its operation  to meet the demand as more businesses adopt cloud services. With the tech company continues to expand its operations and invest in emerging technologies, it is set to remain a significant source of employment opportunities for professionals in the tech sector.

IBM – 311,000 employees

Despite a decline in overall headcount from a peak of over 430,000 employees in 2013,  IBM remains one of the biggest employers in the tech industry. Throughout its history, the company has been at the forefront of technological innovation, pioneering information technology and becoming one of tech’s most admired and well-known figures.


In 2023, IBM finds itself in a state of exponential growth as new technologies such as AI and machine learning transform business operations. More than 70 per cent of its annual revenue now comes from software and consulting, with its automation, data, AI and security software delivering the highest revenue growth across the company.  As IBM shifts to AI, the workflows and applications it plans to integrate into its operations will only create new employment opportunities in these emerging fields. IBM’s diverse business segments, including Global Technology Services and Global Business Services, require a skilled workforce to deliver IT infrastructure services, consulting, and application management solutions to clients. 

Alibaba - 243,903 employees

Founded in Hangzhou, China, Alibaba started as an online platform facilitating global connections for small Chinese businesses. But Since its initial public offering (IPO) in September 2014, which raised a record-breaking $25 billion, the company has expanded its operations globally. Today, Alibaba Group encompasses a diverse range of businesses in e-commerce, retail, internet services, and fintech, with a global full-time workforce of just under 250,000 employees. This places Alibaba among the largest internet companies in China and underscores its position as a major player in terms of revenue.


While its workforce is larger than both Yahoo and Facebook combined, Alibaba has one of the most gender-inclusive workforces in the world. In 2018, over one-third of Alibaba's senior management consisted of women, while  45 per cent of Alibaba's employees were under the age of 30, reflecting a diverse and dynamic workforce. The company holds an annual Employee Appreciation Day on May 10, during which all employees, known as Aliren, celebrate by bringing their families to the company campus for a day-long carnival, fostering a sense of community and appreciation.

Capgemini – 352,148 employees

With approximately 270,000 employees worldwide, Capgemini has established a strong presence in various countries, making it a significant player in the global IT services market. Capgemini was founded in 1967 by Serge Kampf in Grenoble and has experienced remarkable growth – both organically and through strategic acquisitions – since its inception. Its most notable acquisition came in 2019 when it acquired Altran Technologies for a whopping €3.7 billion to create a new global leader in digital transformation and technology and brought its headcount to almost 250,000.


But with an employee base of 352,000 in 2023, it is clear that Caphemini’s massive size is not only rooted in its history of merger and acquisition deals  The company operates in multiple sectors, including consulting, technology services, and digital transformation – a broad range of services requires a diverse workforce with expertise in areas such as software development, data analytics, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and enterprise consulting. Capgemini also has a global delivery model that allows it to leverage talent from different regions and has established delivery centres in multiple countries to allow it to tap into a vast pool of skilled professionals and provide services to clients worldwide. (Jingdong Mall) – 385, 357 is China's largest e-commerce platform and biggest overall retailer, as well as the country’s largest internet company by revenue. With just over 370,000 employees worldwide, has established itself as a major employer in the tech industry and plays a significant role in China's digital economy. The e-commerce giant operates a vast e-commerce platform and has, established research and development centres focused on areas such as AI, robotics, and big data analytics. These investments not only drive technological advancements within but also contribute to the overall development of China's tech ecosystem.'s large headcount is a reflection of its complex operations and diverse business segments. In addition to its core e-commerce platform, the company has expanded into various sectors, including technology innovation, logistics, finance, and cloud computing. This has created a demand for a substantial workforce with expertise in areas such as data analysis, supply chain management, artificial intelligence, and customer service.'s workforce is also a testament to its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. The company actively promotes initiatives such as poverty alleviation, environmental protection, and rural revitalization. By addressing social and environmental challenges, has created employment opportunities in areas such as rural e-commerce and sustainable supply chain management.

Accenture – 738,000 Employees

The third largest employer in the tech space is Accenture, a global professional services company with a rich history that solidifies its position as one of the largest employers in the tech industry. Accenture’s growth and success are rooted in various factors, including its evolution from its origins as a division within Arthur Andersen to its current status as a leading player in the technology consulting and services sector. Its presence in over 120 countries has also allowed Accenture to establish itself as a truly global organisation and to tap into a diverse talent pool, attracting professionals from various backgrounds and expertise. 


But it’s Accenture’s extensive service offerings that truly contribute to its large employee base. The company provides a wide range of consulting, technology, and outsourcing services to clients across industries such as banking, healthcare, telecommunications, and manufacturing. This breadth of services requires a substantial workforce with specialised skills and knowledge to cater to clients' specific needs. The company has been at the forefront of helping organisations navigate the digital landscape, adopting technologies like cloud computing, AI and blockchain. Its expertise in these areas has positioned Accenture as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of technology to drive innovation and stay competitive.

Foxconn – 826,608 employees 

Established as a plastic products manufacturing company in 1974, Foxconn has transformed into a global leader in electronics and the third biggest employer of any industry in the world. Founded in 1974, the Taiwanese firm first gained global recognition for its partnership with Apple in the early 2010s, where it became the primary assembler of Apple's popular iPhones. This collaboration propelled Foxconn's growth and established its reputation as a leading electronics manufacturer for thousands of technology companies around the world. Foxconn's manufacturing expertise, operational efficiency, and supply chain management capabilities have since allowed it to meet the demands of major technology companies and global brands.


Today, Foxconn’s headcount sits at a whopping 826,608 employees, and the company continues to expand its business beyond assembly and manufacturing to include research and development, design, and other value-added services. The company has heavily invested in automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence to enhance its manufacturing capabilities and improve operational efficiency. While automation has reduced the reliance on manual labor in some areas, it has simultaneously created new roles and opportunities in managing and operating these advanced systems. By embracing these new technologies and providing comprehensive solutions to its clients, Foxconn has expanded its customer base and created employment opportunities for professionals with different skill sets.

Amazon – 1,541,000 Employees

From its humble beginnings as an online bookstore to its transformation into one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, Amazon has emerged as the world's leading employer in tech. Second only to Walmart in its number of employees globally, Amazon's success can be attributed to its relentless focus on innovation and endless recruitment drive which has enabled the company to continually develop new technologies and platforms that revolutionise the customer experience and streamline its operations. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a prime example of these technologies, which has allowed Amazon to become a dominant force in the global cloud services market. The success of AWS has only generated substantial revenue for Amazon but also greatly expanded upon Amazon’s already vast workforce to manage and maintain its extensive infrastructure.


Amazon's acquisition strategy has also contributed to its workforce expansion. Over the years, the company has acquired numerous companies, such Zappos, and Twitch, which have added to its product offerings and expanded its reach into different sectors. Amazon's acquisition of Twitch, a leading live streaming platform for gaming and eSports, not only strengthened its position in the gaming industry but also opened up opportunities in the realm of content creation and digital entertainment. As a result, Amazon needed to expand its workforce to support the operation and growth of Twitch, including hiring engineers, content creators, and community managers to maintain and enhance the platform. In addition to these notable acquisitions, Amazon has made numerous other strategic purchases, including companies focused on artificial intelligence, robotics, and voice recognition technology. These acquisitions have bolstered Amazon's capabilities in these areas and required the hiring of additional specialised professionals to drive innovation and integration within the company.