best corporate wellness software

Stress continues to be a big problem in the corporate world. According to Statistica, 79% of workers frequently feel stressed in the workplace, while almost two-thirds of US employees have been willing to leave their jobs for reduced job-related stress. 

When employees are stressed at work, it can significantly impact their well-being, productivity, and mental health. And while business leaders are realising the detrimental impact stress can have on their business, organisations are still struggling to support their employee's mental well-being and help relieve stress in the workplace. 

Corporate wellness software is an excellent way for business leaders to monitor and improve the overall wellness of their team members. 

What is Corporate wellness software?

Corporate wellness software is a type of technology designed to help companies manage and improve the health and well-being of their employees. 

It provides tools and resources for business leaders to develop, implement, and track comprehensive wellness programs for their employees. These programmes can include fitness challenges, health screenings, and mental health initiatives. 

Many wellness platforms come with engagement features such as challenges or rewards to keep employees motivated to participate and tools to create personalized programs. This often includes the use of wearables and apps to track employee stress levels, sleep patterns, and other health data with the employee’s consent.

Some software also provides custom dashboards and reports to track program progress, measure engagement, and evaluate the impact on employee health and productivity.

They can also provide social support features such as platforms for employees to connect, share experiences, and participate in wellness challenges together, as well as surveys and questionnaires to gauge employee health risks and tailor programs accordingly.

Benefits of Corporate Wellness Software

what is corporate wellness software

Corporate wellness software can have many benefits on the health of your employees, encouraging workers to speak up about stress issues and collaborate on health programs. 

This can not only help reduce stress but also encourage increased physical activity and better sleep for your employees, increasing workplace performance across the board. This results in:

For employees:

  • Improved physical and mental health: Platforms offer resources like health assessments, educational content, and activity-tracking tools, helping employees to manage their well-being proactively.
  • Reduced stress and improved work-life balance: Features like mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and challenges can help employees manage stress and create a better balance between work and personal life.
  • Increased engagement and motivation: Interactive features, gamification elements, and social support can boost engagement in wellness activities and create a sense of community within the organization.
  • Personalized support: Many platforms offer personalized recommendations and programs based on individual needs and preferences, ensuring targeted support for each employee's specific well-being journey.
  • Increased sense of well-being and job satisfaction: Feeling cared for and supported by their employer can significantly improve employees' overall well-being and job satisfaction.

For organizations:

  • Increased employee productivity and performance: Healthier and happier employees tend to be more productive, focused, and engaged, leading to improved performance and business outcomes.
  • Lower healthcare costs: By encouraging preventive care and managing chronic conditions, platforms can contribute to lower healthcare costs for the organization.
  • Improved company culture and employer brand: Investing in employee well-being demonstrates a commitment to creating a positive work environment, which can attract and retain top talent.
  • Data-driven insights: Platforms provide valuable data and analytics on employee engagement, health trends, and program effectiveness, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about their well-being initiatives.

Ultimately, corporate wellness software provides a data-driven approach to promoting employee well-being, leading to positive outcomes for both individuals and organizations.

Choosing a corporate wellness software solution 

Choosing the best corporate wellness software for your business can be a daunting task, especially since there are many options with their unique strengths and weaknesses. 

Here are some things to consider when choosing corporate wellness software:

  1. Needs and Goals:
  • What are your primary goals for a wellness program? (e.g., improve physical health, reduce stress, boost employee engagement, lower healthcare costs)
  • What specific challenges are you trying to address? (e.g., high absenteeism, low morale, presenteeism)
  • What is your target employee population? (e.g., office workers, remote workers, diverse demographics)
  1. Features and Functionality:
  • Does it offer health assessments, activity tracking, educational content, social support features, and data analytics?
  • Does it include gamification elements, personalized recommendations, wearable integrations, mental health resources, or financial wellness tools?
  • Can you tailor the platform to your company culture and specific needs?
  1. User Experience and Adoption:
  • Is the platform user-friendly and accessible on different devices?
  • Is it mobile-friendly for on-the-go use?
  • Will your employees find it engaging and easy to adopt?
  • Does it offer multiple language options if needed?
  1. Data and Security:
  • Does the platform comply with data privacy regulations like HIPAA and GDPR?
  • How is employee data secured and protected?
  • Does it offer clear communication about data collection and usage?
  1. Integration and Scalability:
  • Does the platform integrate with your existing HR systems or wearables?
  • Can it scale to accommodate future growth in your company?
  • Can you add new features or modules as your needs evolve?

Remember, the best corporate wellness software is the one that aligns perfectly with your business and is embraced by your employees. By carefully considering what your employees’ needs, you can find a platform that helps you create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce.

Best Corporate Wellness Software 

There are a range of corporate wellness software solutions available today, each with its own set of features and functionalities to make your workforce happier and healthier. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best corporate wellness software on the market in 2024 and examine the features that make them so popular. 


Burnalong is a digital health and well-being platform specifically designed for corporate wellness programs that offer a diverse range of programs and resources for health and wellness. Featuring over 30,000 live and on-demand classes across 60+ wellness categories, the platform combines online classes with in-person programs and partnerships with local fitness centres, providing flexibility and choice. It aims to go beyond just fitness by offering a holistic approach to addressing the physical and mental health needs of employees, using machine learning (ML) to recommend classes and programs based on individual goals and preferences. 

Burnalong also offers options for all fitness levels, abilities, and interests, including family-friendly classes and programs for diverse populations. The platform tracks progress too, and provides valuable data to employers and employees to help encourage engagement and build a positive work environment for everything in the business. 


YuMuuv is a corporate wellness platform known for its focus on gamification and team challenges to promote healthy habits and engagement among employees. The platform emphasizes physical activity and movement, offering a variety of challenges designed to encourage healthy habits and competition among colleagues. There are over over 100 pre-designed challenges across different forms of exercise and companies can create their custom challenges or adapt existing ones to specific goals and interests.

YuMuuv is all about encouraging team-based competition and collaboration. It emphasizes engagement and healthy competition with team leaderboards, individual rankings, and rewards to encourage people to get involved with work activities. It also syncs with various fitness trackers and apps automatically tracks activity data and progress and provides a simple and intuitive interface for employees to access challenges, track progress, and interact with teammates. YuMuuv offers affordable pricing compared to some competitors, making it accessible to companies of different sizes.


Headversity is a corporate wellness software solution focusing on preventative mental health and resilience training for the workforce. Instead of just reacting to problems, it aims to equip employees with tools and skills to proactively manage stress, build emotional resilience, and navigate workplace challenges. It does this through micro-learning modules and activities that teach specific skills for emotional regulation, mindfulness, self-compassion, and stress management, as well as providing in-person training options to cater to diverse preferences and needs.

Headversity goes beyond mindfulness and addressing deeper emotional skills by automatically adapting content and recommendations based on individual needs and risk assessments. The platform can integrate with HR systems and other platforms for seamless user experience and integrates modules on workplace safety and building positive work environments. It’s also data-driven, providing employers with anonymized data and insights on employee well-being and program success. 


Raiys is an online wellness coaching and health app that offers a tailored 'For Employers' service. Targeting the burnout worker, the corporate wellness solution focuses on positively influencing work-life balance by providing best practices for time management. From virtual sessions with wellness coaches to guided CBT therapy, Raiys provides employees with a library of digital wellness tools that, as a whole, demonstrate how you should organise your time at work: divide it between tasks and frequent 'moments of pause' to ensure better organisation, mental health, and productivity.

The Personal Wellness Dashboard enables employees to track their efficiency levels, whilst the analytics feature provides employers with an insight into their team's performance and needs.


Working to combat the work-related stress that typically accompanies computer-bound roles, Welbot is a corporate wellness platform that focuses on delivering well-being initiatives through desktop notifications that pop up at intervals throughout the day to ensure that employees are frequently checking in with themselves. Built on behavioural science theory, the software acts as a daily wellness motivator, encouraging staff to partake in exercises that relieve tension, engage in regular screen breaks, and practice mindfulness.

The platform also enables individuals to keep a log of their hydration and educates them on the nutritional and stress-relieving benefits of eating a balanced diet, helping workers to become both physically and mentally fitter and calm.


Part of a proactive campaign to tackle corporate stress, Zeno's holistic health app has been designed to support workforces to become mentally, physically, financially, and socially resilient. Employees are given access to credible well-being articles, mindful health metric tracking, and personalised goal setting for managing sleep, exercise, nutrition, breathing, and habits. There's also the option of downloading quick, wholesome recipes, including nutritional data and instructional videos to maintain your food-mood relationship.

Powered by Zeno's unique server, Navigator, the fully customisable platform is compatible with leading wearable technologies and provides organisations with real-time data and insights to measure and effectively aid employee wellbeing.

Viva Insights

Microsoft’s Viva Insights isn't a standalone corporate wellness platform but an integrated suite of features within the Microsoft Viva employee experience platform built to improve employee engagement and well-being. It focuses on improving individual and team productivity by providing personalized data-driven insights derived from Microsoft 365 usage and collaboration patterns. It analyzes employee emails, meetings, and chats to offer suggestions for protecting focus time, improving collaboration, and maintaining healthy work habits. It also automatically identifies collaboration patterns within teams, highlighting potential bottlenecks or communication gaps that could lead to employee burnout or work-related stress.

Unlike other entries on this list, Viva provides specific tips and suggestions based on your data, encouraging productivity-enhancing behaviours while also keeping data anonymous to protect employee privacy. It also integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and other Office applications for easy access and context and provides clear and user-friendly dashboards that illustrate insights and progress over time.


Wellable is more of a corporate wellness partner than a platform. Backed by the research of 150 psychologists, economists, and business leaders around the world, it targets the inner workings of workplace wellbeing - i.e. technology, company culture, and physical space - to minimise stress and tense environments. Applicable to all leading consumer wellness apps and devices, Wellable allows employees to use the technology they favour. The enterprise tech solution also supports text messaging, emails, and print/digital flyers, making for an inclusive, seamless, and stress-free experience.

Users can expect fitness classes, health fairs, and roundtable discussions with world-class health educators. The additional Personal Wellness Assessment aids in giving employees tailored content and feedback on ways to manage burnout.

Vantage Fit

Vantage Fit is a powerful corporate wellness platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on preventive health and fitness by promoting healthier lifestyles and habits through various features and functionalities. The platform tracks a wide range of metrics like steps, activity, sleep, mood, and nutrition, and analyzes individual data and preferences to recommend tailored fitness plans, challenges, and educational content to improve well-being and overall health. It also comes with fitness challenges, live and on-demand workouts, healthy recipe suggestions, and mindfulness exercises pre-built into the software, making it effective from day one but also easily customisable as it collects more data.

Thanks to its AI-powered personalisationVantage offers a more tailored and engaging experience compared to generic programs. It can use AI to personalize recommendations, track progress, and offer guidance based on individual goals and preferences. It also provides insights into employee engagement, activity levels, and overall well-being trends to inform program decisions and addresses a broader range of well-being needs than many other solutions.


You might know Headspace for its its mindfulness and meditation app, but it also offers an incredible corporate wellness software solution called Headspace Health which focuses on mental health and well-being in the workplace. The platform combines Headspace's renowned mindfulness content with additional features specifically designed for organizations, providing employees with on-demand access to professional life coaches and therapists via phone or video calls. It also provides an extensive library of over 1000 guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and sleep sounds to equip employees with tools to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

Headspace’s support model offers employees and their families immediate access to coaching within two minutes, and access to therapy within two days. It comes with immediate support and resources for employees facing challenging personal or professional situations too, assisting managers in addressing employee well-being concerns and navigating challenging situations in the workplace. By offering engagement strategies, leadership workshops, robust reporting and more, Headspace helps employers deliver the best mental health experience to your team and their families. This makes it one of the best corporate wellness software solutions available today.