As the world becomes more hyperconnected than ever, it is crucial that companies protect user data, products, and services. As a whitepaper from ForgeRock notes, however, "it's a complex and extensive web of relationships, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a mess."
A hyperconnected world
As "billions of people, services, and things" get online, enterprises require robust tools in order to manage and protect themselves. In fact, among those companies struggling with IoT, 25% report security related losses.
In the report, 82% of respondents also said that they were somewhat to extremely concerned about IoT’s security challenges. The majority of respondents (59%) suffered from lost productivity and monetary damages as a result of IoT-related security incidents.
It is therefore crucial that enterprises focus on securing the growing number of devices connected to the internet. As ForgeRock observes, when "your customers feel safe engaging with your products and services, and your critical assets are safe from harm, everyone wins."
Identity Management is key
While most people consider people as identities, devices and "things" are becoming more and more intelligent. As a result, identity is "no longer just a user and their computer", but now a "customer with many devices."
Today, organisations employ a number of different approaches to managing identity administration. While most companies traditionally deal with this process internally, many organisations are now having to manage external users and identities.
Nevertheless, the potential scale of external identities will undoubtedly outnumber the internal identities. New devices, things, and services will thus place "significant pressure on current infrastructure to scale beyond current levels."
ForgeRock Identity Management
It is therefore integral that organisations reassess their current identity administration and provisioning lifecycle. ForgeRock Identity Management allows companies to "comprehensively and securely manage the complete identity lifecycle of people, services, and things."
Part of the ForgeRock Identity Platform™, ForgeRock Identity Management is built from the OpenIDM and OpenICF open source projects. In effect, the identity administration and provisioning solution focuses on "managing relationships across people, services, and things."
Legacy enterprise provisioning solutions are undoubtedly "monolithic, heavyweight, painfully slow to deploy" and expensive. In contrast to legacy identity management solutions, however, ForgeRock Identity Management exists as the only "100% commercial open source, lightweight, provisioning solution purpose-built for internet scale."
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