Security Strategist Chris Steffen

Why the Cybersecurity Industry Needs Podcasts

Paulina Rios Maya

Podcasts are revolutionising how we raise awareness about cybersecurity. 

They offer an interactive and engaging way to bring essential topics like AI, zero trust, and the human element into everyday conversations. By breaking down these complex issues into relatable and exciting discussions, podcasts make cybersecurity accessible and understandable to a broader audience.

In this podcast, Chris Steffen, VP of Research at EMA and Paulina Rios Maya, Head of Industry Relations at EM360Tech, discuss the transformative power of podcasts in the cybersecurity world. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Podcasts are a valuable tool for educating and engaging the cybersecurity industry.
  • Cybersecurity professionals should advocate for themselves and discuss cybersecurity in accessible and engaging formats.


00:00 - Introduction and Launching the Podcast

03:17 - Advocating for Cybersecurity and Thought Leadership

07:03 - Exploring AI and Zero Trust in Cybersecurity

09:31 - The Human Factor in Cybersecurity

13:36 - Continuous Improvement in the Cybersecurity Industry

17:40 - Conclusion and Where to Find More