Statistics indicate people search for law firms, big and small, online – more than 35% begin their search for an attorney online. And yet, nearly 40% of all law firms don’t have a website and only one third that do are optimized for mobile traffic as well.70% don’t have a call-to-action that sparks a prospect to complete information so you capture their name, number, and general inquiry. 68% don’t have an email address on the site, in case someone wants to ask questions online and only 35% have updated their site in the past three years. In other words, law firms are missing an opportunity. Learn the four P’s of a successful website, (Purpose, People, Plan and Promote) to get yours operating at full capacity – getting potential clients in touch with attorneys, and educating them on who you are and how you can help them.
The Four P’s to Create Websites that Attract Clients
12 December 2019
1 min
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