For many companies, the most critical factor in hosting successful funding round, is to connect with the right partners. 

Venture Capitalist companies are one of the most popular ways to fund a startup. They carefully monitor the marketplace, and understand which businesses are driving the most innovation for each niche. Doing your research on the VC companies that you want to pitch to can significantly increase your chances of getting funding. 

Today, we’re going to give startup businesses in search of investment a head start by looking at the top 10 technology VC companies available today. 

Sequoia Capital

Sequoia Capital has been around since 1972, giving it almost fifty years of experience in the investing space. Over the years, this business has helped various leading brands to get their start in the technology industry. Sequoia Capital is the company behind Oracle, Electronic Arts gaming, and even DoorDash – the digital food delivery service. 

The focus area of Sequoia appears to be in the SaaS landscape. Over the years, the company has also helped to develop some of the world’s most popular apps, like WhatsApp and Airbnb. If you’re a world-changing company, then Sequoia Capital could help you find the funding that you need. With over 1222 success stories, this company has changed the tech landscape forever. 

The SaaStr Fund

As this company’s name will probably suggest, the SaaStr fund is interested in helping SaaS companies grow. The company has played a part in the development of organisations like Talkdesk, MixMax, and countless others. 

The SaaStr Fund isn’t afraid to make big investments. With a commitment to scaling SaaS startups, the fund dedicates up to £4.5 million in funding for each company. This organization also helps projects to succeed by appointing C-suite staff to help with running business operations. The founder of this technology VC was named as one of the most powerful people in Business Technology too!


Accel is one of the better-known technology VCs on the market today. You’ve probably heard of this company already for the role they’ve played in developing some of the biggest brands in the world. Without Accel, we wouldn’t have companies like Adroll, Facebook, or even Slack! 

Accel gets involved with a wide selection of technology companies, including organisations like Etsy and Spotify. One of the things that make this company stand out is how they hold themselves accountable for the success of their investments. Accel’s team works hard with the people behind the biggest tech brands to generate success.

500 Startups

Another well-known technology VC with a global impact, 500 Startups is based in Silicon Valley. This company has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to helping startups make their first steps into the digital landscape. Some of the success stories to come from 500 Startups include tremendous market leaders like Canva, Intercom, GitHub, and even Udemy.
Although this fund has a headquarters in Silicon Valley, teams are working with startups worldwide. 500 Startups has offices across 20 countries, focusing on all kinds of investment. SaaS is one of the biggest investment areas for the brand, with tons of leading companies in their books, such as YayPay and Credit Karma.

Atlanta Ventures

Looking for a VC company that focuses exclusively on SaaS? Atlanta Ventures could be the perfect option. This company believes that software as a service is crucial to the future of the technology industry. Aside from providing investment capital for leading brands, Atlanta Venture also helps entrepreneurs to find their feet with support and guidance too.
The Atlanta Ventures brand supports growing technology companies across the globe, including leading names like SalesLoft, and Terminus. The group also holds regular events where entrepreneurs and innovators can get together to network and share ideas.

Insight Partners

Insight Partners (previously Insight Venture Partners) has raise more than £6 billion in investment opportunities since the company began in 1995. This is a brand that focuses on market-leading companies that are searching for ways to transform an entire industry or niche. The fund has more than 400 primary investments at present, as well as 200 portfolio-led acquisitions to its name. 

Some of the fantastic businesses that Insight Partners has helped to grow over the years include the meditation app Calm, and the email marketing service, Campaign Monitor. Insight Partners also played a part in the growth of Shopify, HelloFresh, DocuSign, and Twitter!

PROfounders Capital


A technology venture capitalist company designed for founders, by founders, PROfounders Capital is a unique organisation. Committed to helping their investments grow, this brand believes in giving new entrepreneurs all the guidance and support they need to make the most of their initial investments. The funding team ensures that every business gets plenty of help. 

Over the years, PROfounders Capital has made a significant impact on the technology landscape, investing in brands like Unity, Tweetdeck, and Syft. Everyone in the PROfounders team has their won background in building a business from scratch. That means that you get some great insights from this London-based brand.

Notion Capital

One of the younger venture capitalist companies on this list, Notion Capital launched in 2009. However, since then, the organisation’s focus on B2B SaaS and Cloud markets has lead to some fantastic investments. This group has raised more than £295 million in funds for 68 investments across various companies. Notion Capital has a particularly strong presence in the UK technology market. 

Just some of the notable companies that Notion has helped over the years include CurrencyCloud, Trade Shift, and NewVoiceMedia. Investment sizes range from smaller £500,000 investments to multi-million growth packages. 

Bessemer Venture Partners

Bessemer is another of the largest technology venture capitalists in the market today. This company has managed more than £3 billion in invested capital opportunities, spread across 130 companies. Not only does BVP have a lot of money to spend, but the company also benefits from a considerable heritage. This brand has been around for more than 50 years. 

In their extensive history, Bessemer Venture Partners have supported the growth of some of the world’s most valuable companies, including Shopify, Yelp, Skype, and Pinterest. This is a company that also sticks with the startups it spends cash on – helping entrepreneurs to develop and grow. 

Eight Roads Ventures

With offices around the world, including in the UK, China, and Japan, Eight Roads Ventures has a significant impact on the technology market. The organisation focuses on both tech and healthcare, with more than £4.5 billion invested in the last decade. 

This company helps to provide complete support and guidance for entrepreneurs, with absolute dedication to every project. Over the years, Eight Road Ventures has had a part to play in the development of enormous platforms, like Alibaba, and DeltaHealth. Recently, the company has also increased investment into fintech solutions.