We here at Enterprise Management 360 love reading about cybersecurity. Seriously, we love it. We represent clients such as CrowdStrike, AlgoSec and Cloudera in order to present their fantastic innovations in the world of cybersecurity to the public.
Last night, I began to wonder where the capitals of cybersecurity were situated. While I had an inkling that the USA was going to be one of the leaders, I wanted solid proof.
I had a look into the Global Cybersecurity Index of 2017. The main objectives of the GCI is to measure cybersecurity’s progress in every country. By dividing their study into five pillars, the GCI is able to provide an overall score that is dependent on multiple factors. These pillars are: legal, technical, organisational, capacity building and cooperation.
Their findings were astonishing.
Singapore is impressive for a number of reasons. They have strict codes of practice to ensure the safety of children online. While their legal and capacity building pillars are less than the USA, they certainly make up for it by being balanced on each pillar. Consequently, Singapore are number one in the world for cybersecurity.
O Say Can You See All The Cybersecurity? The United States has the highest scores in the legal and capacity building pillars, with a score of 100% in these respected departments. While America does come in second place to the GCI's fantastic number one, the USA certainly have managed to combine many of their departments. Most importantly, government agencies from defence, health, justice, and intelligence community work together to enhance cybersecurity sharing. As a result, America is number two in the world.
Malaysia's "Information Security Certification Body" manages Malaysia's information security certification. By being in line with international guidelines and standards, Malaysia certainly keeps a high profile for working with other countries.
How is it that Oman is number four on our list? Well, their government established the "eGovernance Framework." This means that all government projects in Oman are conducted under strict regulations that ensure they maintain a high level of standards and practices. This allows Oman to conduct thorough risk assessments.
Estonia is the best country in Europe for cybersecurity. If that was not enough of a feat, Estonia are also the highest in the legal pillar. Having previously been named the "Most Wired Nation," this find did not come as much of a surprise to me. Go, Estonia!
Mauritius exceeds in their legal cybersecurity training programs. In fact, Mauritius carries out cybersecurity training programs for many of their public servants, including law enforcement officers.
! Australia exceeds in the technical pillar, matching the GCI's number one on this list. It's no wonder Australia is so high up on the list; the government funded ACSC keeps Australia as one of the leaders in cybersecurity technology.
Georgia is impressive on an overall scale. Despite not doing exceedingly well in one column, Georgia shines through how balanced they are. Their "Personal Data Protection Act" enforces similar rules to GDPR but actually predates its implementation.
While France may have a slightly lower organisational score, they certainly make up for it in their capacity building column. I don't like to use the word perfect but their capacity building column rating is at 100%. France has widespread cybersecurity training courses throughout their country. It's no wonder why companies such as Bomgar and Capgemini are leading the market.
The GCI indicated that Canada was the 10th highest on their list. Their legal pillar was the strongest out of every country. To quote the GCI, "The country's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) features several sections relating to cybersecurity."
I looked further into their cybersecurity measures and while the aforementioned act certainly helps their legal pillar, their influence extends beyond this. One of the most foolproof cybersecurity acts I have ever found is the "Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act."