UKISUG Connect 2021 - Implementing SAP S/4HANA, SAP Security and RISE

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With a whole new wave of SAP products on the market that are proving to save organisations time and resources, questions begin to arise regarding how ERP is implemented in 2021, how SAP products can improve security and the best ways to migrate your ERP to the cloud with RISE. ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is a business process management software that helps to integrate supply chains, operations, commerce, human resources, manufacturing and reporting for organisations. 

With new demands being placed on businesses, particularly with the onslaught of new data technologies, hybrid working and new demands for customer communication, it's hard to stay ahead of the curve. If you are wondering how ERP is implemented in 2021 and are looking to plan ahead for 2022 or you are interested in how useful S/4HANA and RISE are, we have all of the interviews you need to keep you up to date with the latest in SAP technology. 



Transforming Businesses with S/4HANA

With an uptake in adoption of S/4HANA by about 26% in this year alone, it looks as though organisations are going to be ahead of the curve for the year ahead, but how can you match this level of flexibility? The SAP Veteran Simon Carpenter leads us through everything you need to know about in SAP for 2022.

Bridging the Skills Gap with S/4HANA

How do we attract younger people to S/4HANA training when we recognise that there's a growing skills gap? Luckily, Paul Cooper from UK & Ireland SAP User Group recognises this gap and has all of the insights you need to fix it.

What Does Effective SAP Security Look Like?

Interested in implementing SAP security? No problem. When we consider moving forward in 2022, it's important to think about the security protocols, problems and endpoints that adversaries might be looking to attack. As Richard Hunt, CEO of Turnkey Consulting points out, it's important to secure SAP security in a way that's consistent with the rest of the IT landscape. 


Using SAP To Evolve Through Lockdowns

The pandemic obviously through a spanner in the work for a lot of companies that were looking to expand, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Stuart Welsh, Group IT Director for AESSEAL, explains how SAP can be used to evolve through lockdowns. With uncertainty snooping around the corner, we cover some of the best ways for your company to remain strong in the event of another lockdown.