International Women's Day: Ask the Expert with Grace Fisher, Senior Product Manager at Persado

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#EachforEqual is the mantra for this year's International Women's Day. This is especially appropriate for the tech industry, which has historically been dominated by men. However, many organisations have taken great strides to offer equal opportunities to women in the tech arena. Now more than ever, women are filling positions all the way up to C-level.

The real heroes behind this are the women that were undeterred by the lack of representation in their field and, instead, worked to become the change to the statistic. The impact of this is great for younger generations of girls who will be able to look up to the women in the industry.

In this podcast, we spoke with Grace Fisher, Senior Product Manager at Persado, about her journey to becoming a woman in tech. As well as this, Grace shares her thoughts on what organisations and schools could be doing to encourage women to take STEM subjects and career paths. Finally, Grace gives some kind words of advice to women who would like to work in the tech industry.

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