What is the XR Safety Awareness Week?

The XR Safety Awareness Week is an annual event powered by XRSI which is both a celebration of the many different facets of XR, and an opportunity for individuals, organizations, policymakers, and institutions to find a platform for promoting ideas and thought leadership which will guide us towards a safer future with XR technologies. While Getting Into XR might seem as straightforward as putting on an HMD or holding up a phone to view Augmented Reality (AR) content, cultivating a sense of awareness is imperative. This week is to encourage everyone to get into XR “With Awareness”, independent of the use case platform or experience.

Why XR Safety Awareness Week?

By dedicating this five days event around various themes, XRSI intends to create a reflection point on the safety and trust aspects of immersive technologies. This is necessary to address the need for awareness around the technological risks this holiday season due to the expected increase in the purchase of the latest XR devices, platforms, experiences, and games.

The foundation of the XR Safety Awareness Week is “safety” for the simple reason safety is of critical importance when exploring amazing innovations of XR to remain mindful of the implications that come with those concepts. Each year before the holidays, XRSI will promote this time of the year to ensure that we engage with XR technology with safety at the forefront.

Highlights of the XR Safety Awareness Week:

Launch of Child Safety Initiative by XRSI - During the launch XRSI will publish Infographics, Parental guidance, and organize panel discussions around children’s safety in the XR domain.

Partnership Announcements - XRSI will launch multiple partnerships during the week, details of which will be posted on the XR Safety Awareness Week Website, XRSI website, and all the XRSI social channels.

Safeguarding Immersive Media and Art - A heavy emphasis is given to the Media and Artist community by introducing educational resources as well as providing funding avenues for the Artist community via the XR Safety grant and publication of XR Safety Guide for Artists.

The details of XR Safety Awareness Week can be found HERE.