Big Data London 2021 - The Highlights


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As the world begins to open up again, so do our tech events, meaning that we are now being granted the ability to network, learn and spread our messages to other people in the tech industry, which is exactly what Big Data London allowed us to do.

For those of you who don't know what Big Data London is, it's an annual event where people in the industry can watch speeches from famous economists such as Tim Harford, CEOs like Tanuvi Ethunandan and, most importantly, data experts. 

We have missed going to events, and so for our Head of Content Max Kurton and Visual Content Producer Angie Davies, it was time for them to investigate the latest in enterprise tech, chat to some interesting people and, of course, provide all of you with some incredible content. 

1. Unpacking Event-Driven Architecture with Shawn McAllister from Solace

Tune in to this video to have any of your questions answered about event-driven architecture from the CTO and CPO of Solace. Whether you are wondering if it's beneficial for your business or whether you want to learn the ins and outs of this exciting technology, you can have all of your questions answered right here:

Watch Here: 'Unpacking Event-Driven Architecture

2. Deployment of Data and Analytics with Chris D’Agostino from Databricks

If you're looking to explore what Big Data London is all about, tune into our interview with the Global Field CTO of Databricks, which you can find right here. Chris unveils the next big trends in data and analytics, how to speed up deployment of data tech, and much more. This is the ultimate guide to cutting down any unnecessary wasted time.

Watch Here: 'Speeding Up the Deployment of Data and Analytics'

3. What Big Data is Missing with Ben Schein from Domo

The VP Data Curiosity of Domo talks to us about the limitations of modern data science, how to cook up a solution and the best way to extract information for your organisation's benefit. With more than 20 years in the industry, Ben's insights serve as the perfect guide for anybody who is looking to reap the benefits of data in the industry. 

Watch Here: 'What Big Data is Missing'

4.  The Journey to the Cloud with Moritz Plassnig from Immuta

Taking the journey to the cloud, or cloud transformation, is a huge challenge for anyone involved in the world of tech. This is due to cybersecurity risks, the costs and the time it takes to migrate all of your information into a new environment. While these problems are difficult to navigate around, it also comes with a huge amount of benefits that increase everyday. Join the Chief Growth Officer of Immuta in this exclusive interview.

Watch Here: 'The Journey to the Cloud'

5. Data-Driven Transformation with Cindi Howson from ThoughtSpot

The recent pandemic has obviously caused huge problems within the industry, however it has pushed along digital transformation. For better or for worse, organisations are now more digital than ever, providing them with access to new approaches, apps and methodologies that they were previously unable to incorporate. Learn from Thoughtspot's Chief Data Strategy Officer in this interview.

Watch Here: 'Data-Driven Transformation'

Liked these videos? We have more Big Data LDN content coming next week so make sure to Subscribe to the YouTube Channel.