Last month's Enterprise Connect 2023 was a leading barometer for the state of communications technology in North America, but also globally. I was happy to be back, not just as an attendee, but to continue my annual update on the use of speech technology in the enterprise. Not surprisingly, AI is playing a leading role there, as it seems to be with every other facet of our digital lives, both at work and at home.
Since the event, I've provided my takeaways in various forums, but there's a good chance EM360's followers haven't come across any of this yet. As such, this is really an ICYMI post, and amplifies a blog post of mine that pulls all of this together. For this EM360 post, I'm going to share three different takeaways, and I hope you check all of them out. If any of this piques your interest in my work, or raises specific questions, please drop me a line any time.
Takeaway #1 - I was a guest on Doug Green’s Telecom Reseller podcast, which was recorded onsite at Enterprise Connect. Here's the link for the replay - it's about 9 minutes long.
Takeaway #2 - I was a guest on Zeus Kerravala’s ZKast video series, so this is a 1:1 segment where we discussed our takeaways from the event.
Takeaway #3 - a recent segment of Big UC News, where I was one of several guests sharing our thoughts with hosts David Dungay and Rob Scott.