Amnon Drori is the CEO and co-founder of Octopai; a metadata search engine that works to collate and manage all analytics and data instantaneously. As metadata is usually scattered throughout various BI systems, it is often very time consuming to collate all the necessary information with each individualised tool. Octopai is the solution and Amnon Drori is the mind behind this essential utility. In Amnon Drori’s long career of working as the CRO of Cooladata, the Senior Director or Sales and Marketing at ModusNovo, Vice President of Zend Technology and as Vice President of Panaya, he noticed a recurring problem within many BI groups. He recalls a meeting when himself and the CFO of a company he was working with both showed mismatching data regarding customer acquisition. While they knew their results were positive, having inconsistent data causes problems within the company. This was previously a problem many BI groups faced. Data gets consumed rapidly and as a result, companies need to be able to keep track of the data movement process. By providing this groundbreaking tool, Octopai can allow BI groups to keep track of data at every stage of its movement. This can save companies millions by ensuring that figures are consistent and reliable. Amnon Drori’s industry experience allows him to understand the problems which BI groups face and as a result, he understands which solutions they need. His creative thinking and innovation is what makes Mr. Drori our CxO of the week.
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