Aparna Sundararajan has recently joined the EM360 Advisory Board as an Industry Guru.
Aparna has worked for 15 years as an analyst at Gardner, she has established herself as a technology expert who can address challenges that enterprises face using a broad range of technologies and associated risks. In her clientele, you will find C-suite global leaders who turn to her with the utmost confidence when it comes to AI, Cloud and data analytics, and blockchain and transformation in cyber security technologies.
Apart from mastering the ins and outs of her field, she has developed a keen interest in the evolution of human-machine interaction and the resulting new socio-economic ecosystems, in other words, she looks at questions from a broader perspective.
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By joining EM360's Advisory Board, Aparna joins an elite team of thought leaders, industry analysts, and world rank advisors. Our team of advisors are thought leaders in their field and include John Santaferraro, Christina Stathopoulos, Susan Walsh, Doug Laney, Dr. Eric Cole, Richard Stiennon, Brad LaPorte, Jon Arnold, and many more.
Aparna will create a thought-provoking content series on enterprise IT with key experts whose expertise is relevant across the globe.
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