World Artifical Intelligence Cannes Festival WAICF

The highly anticipated World AI Cannes Festival (WAICF) opens its doors tomorrow for two days of thought-provoking discussions, cutting-edge demonstrations, and unparalleled networking opportunities at the heart of innovation. 

From February 8th to 10th, the prestigious Palais des Festivals will transform into a global AI hub, convening over 16000 finest minds in the AI space and some of the brightest ideas shaping the tech space. 

This year's WAICF boasts a theme of "AI for All: Building a Human-Centric Future", reflecting its commitment to responsible and inclusive AI development. 

Expect keynote talks from industry leaders, renowned researchers, and trailblazing entrepreneurs who will explore the impact of AI on various aspects of life, from business and healthcare to art and entertainment.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a curious newcomer to the AI space, WAICF offers something for everyone.

Dive deeper into specific topics through a diverse range of conferences and workshops. Learn about the latest advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. Or discuss the ethical implications of AI and brainstorm solutions for its responsible integration into society. 

Attendees can also witness innovation firsthand on the exhibit floor, showcasing the most exciting AI technologies from over 200 leading companies. Interact with robots, test out AI-powered applications, and gain insights into the future of various industries.

Networking is a cornerstone of the WAICF experience. The festival provides numerous opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, forging valuable partnerships and collaborations. Expand your professional network, exchange ideas with peers, and discover potential business partners who share your vision for the future.

What to expect at WAICF 2024

  • Cutting-edge AI Talks: Over 300 speakers from across the globe will deliver thought-provoking presentations on diverse topics like responsible AI, AI in healthcare, climate change, finance, and more.
  • Eight Thematic Stages: Each stage focuses on a specific aspect of AI, allowing for in-depth exploration of topics like AI & Ethics, AI & Business, AI & Society, and AI & Creativity.
  • Industry-Specific Conferences: Tailored sessions for specific industries like healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing, offering insights and solutions relevant to each sector.
  • Panel Discussions & Debates: Engage in stimulating discussions on the future of AI, its ethical implications, and its impact on various aspects of life.
  • Interactive Demo Zone: Immerse yourself in the latest AI innovations with over 200 interactive demos showcasing the potential of AI across different industries.
  • Networking Events & Receptions: Connect with a diverse community of AI experts, investors, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers from around the world.
  • Awards Ceremony: Celebrate the pioneers of AI at the prestigious WAICF Awards, recognizing outstanding achievements in various categories.



Don't miss this chance to be part of the global conversation about AI! Register for the World AI Cannes Festival today and embark on a journey into the future of technology.

Visit the WAICF website for more information and registration:

And don’t forget to join the conversation on social media:

  • #WAICF2024
  • Twitter: [@WAICannesFest]
  • LinkedIn: World AI Cannes Festival