Machine Learning for IT and Operations Leaders

  • What is the current state of Artificial Intelligence as it applies to IT Operations”?
  • How is organisational maturity an indicator of “readiness” for AI and machine learning
  • What’s real? What kind of solutions are being implemented today? What problems are they solving? Where’s the ROI?
  • Forrester asked technology decision makers if they are planning on adopting predictive analytics within the next twelve months. 51% had already adopted some, and the rest said they are still interested.
  • About 70% of IT budgets is spent fixing systems and applications. Only 30% goes toward innovation. That’s not enough. We must be thinking about how we can predict before things happen, because reacting is every expensive. Predicting brings much more value across the organisation.
  • Evanios uses machine learning to automatically score events, which helps I&O professionals get an immediate understanding of where they should focus their time. This is the same thing that IT Operations professionals would do manually if they had hours of time to spend evaluating every single event, every single outage, every single metric. Machine learning, performs all of those functions in milliseconds.