Donna Burbank is joined by Chris Darvill, Senior Director Sales Engineering at Cloudera, and Sven Löffler, Business Development Executive for IT and the Data Economy of Deutsche Telekom to talk about a new exciting platform which is changing the world of data.

The combination of process data, open data and data from customers are really strategically important.

Deutsche Telekom recently launched a data intelligence hub; the first marketplace for secure data exchange for business customers and AI methods and tools. With many companies looking to leverage data and data platforms for strategic advantage, Deutsche Telekom’s new platform is arriving at a convenient time.

With Cloudera’s fantastic involvement in this project, this new platform has been provided with innovative cloud technology which has helped with the management of data. Join us on this exciting to podcast to see how this new platform is going to change the way we look at data.

We provide a modern platform for machine learning and analytics, and what it does in partnership with the intelligence hub is allow customers to access the data sets and share their own data sets.