Between 2018 and 2025, the global datasphere will reportedly grow from 33 zettabytes to 175 zettabytes. Almost 30% of the world's data will require real-time processing, however, which means that companies must now begin to prepare for the data age.

An increasingly data-driven world

According to an IDC report sponsored by Seagate, digital transformation is dramatically changing the shape of business today. In fact, the process of digitisation is impacting companies in every industry and consumers across the globe.

However, the report observes that digital transformation is not just about the technological evolution of devices. Rather, "it is about the integration of intelligent data into everything that we do."

This increasingly data-driven world is always on, tracking, monitoring, listening, watching, and ultimately learning. Sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms will thus "deliver the future in new and personalised ways."

Prepare for the data age

With traditional paradigms redefined, it is integral that companies begin to focus and prepare for the data age. As the report insists, "data is at the heart of digital transformation, the lifeblood of this digitisation process."

Today, successful companies are leveraging data in order to improve customer experiences, open markets, and make employees and processes more productive. By 2025, however, IDC predicts that over 6 billion consumers will interact with data daily.

Between now and 2025, IDC insists that enterprises must learn to understand the role data plays in their organisation. It is also integral that companies comprehend how the dataspehere will evolve during this critical period.

Embracing data

It is evident that different industries possess varying levels of data maturity, so companies need to review the IDC DATACON index to learn where they stand. Overall, however, organisations should "embrace their role as data guardians, leverage the cloud, and take a global approach to their data."

Seagate enables companies to maximise the value of their data by providing world-class data solutions. Developed through sustainable and profitable partnerships, these solutions also undergo a rigorous quality assurance process.

With over 40 years as a trailblazer in the data storage industry, the company ensures reliable and quality solutions. As Rich L. Segar, Senior Director of Reliability Engineering, observes "quality is not only about whether the drive will break or not; that’s just a start. It’s about the total customer experience."
Check out our latest episode of Tech Chat, in which we discuss computational storage, machine learning, and data at the 2019 AI and Big Data Expo