Fivetran: Data Integration and Analysis

When an organisation talks about data integration, there are a lot of hurdles to overcome. To achieve results they need to make sure their data is of high quality, organised and formatted. However, this is easier said than done as data engineers are trying to extract data from an ever-changing source. With cloud-based applications and siloed data, it raises a lot of questions as to how to achieve a unified view and gain insightful analytics.

In this podcast, Ronald van Loon speaks to Mark Maxwell, Head of UKI Strategic Sales at Fivetran. Firstly, Mark outlines why an organisation should incorporate data integration into their analytic strategy. Then he explains what key decisions are needed for data warehousing and their workloads and analytics processes. Also, Mark demonstrates what a typical automated data integration process involves when an organisation is starting this journey. Finally, he looks at how this solution can help teams focus on analytics over ETL.