To strategically improve fleet utilisation it requires looking at each individual vehicle’s utilisation so you can make incremental changes that add up to larger savings.
The complexity involved in analysing individual vehicle data across a broad range of metrics and over varying periods of time depending on the type of vehicle can be very difficult. Companies that can leverage software solutions to assist with tracking and analysis for fleet utilisation will find the task much easier and the results more accurate.
How do you know which vehicles to eliminate? How do you know the best way to re-route the remaining vehicles to be as efficient as possible?
A well-utilised fleet can not only boost productivity by as much as 15% as well as decrease costs but also increase profitability which is the real value of doing more with less.
Today, the imperative for fleet companies is to do more with less. The more you get out of your current fleet, the more you can stay ahead of your competition. Some companies may look at the fleet size and simply reduce the number of vehicles on the road and require that the remaining vehicles do more. This is not always the best strategy when you have different kinds of vehicles, different kinds of services or deliveries and different kinds of territories or routes that your vehicles travel.
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