We’ve all been there: when the new starter hasn’t been given their signature yet, the analyst hasn’t updated their new job title, and half the team is still using last year’s company logo.
Maintaining brand consistency, even across something as simple as email signatures, is key to making first and lasting impressions with your market. But how do you take the burden from your staff, and be confident that everything is being updated centrally and automatically?
And besides professionalism, what other benefits does dynamic email signature management present for your organization?
In this publication, CloudM will be sharing their expertise on the importance of email signatures, the marketing opportunities they present, how to design the best one, some of their favourite (and least favourite!) examples, while introducing the CloudM Email Signature Management as an all-in-one solution.
With half of all their customers now already utilizing this tool, they also share their stories on how it’s made their lives easier and their businesses better.
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