Top 10 AWS Services For 2022

Easily one of the most popular IT ecosystems in the world, AWS, or Amazon Web Services, has a host of solutions to offer today’s customers. The AWS cloud computing platform provides more than 200 resources to enable the modern business, from machine learning to infrastructure tools. These systems are ideal for the digital age, as companies can optimise everything from computing capacity to database management.

While there are dozens of AWS Services available today, some attract more attention than others. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most popular AWS services and what they can help your company to accomplish.  

10. Amazon EBS

Created to deliver high-performance, simple and reliable block storage at scale, the Amazon Elastic Block Store, or EBS ensures business can scale fast to suit their most demanding high-performance workloads. You can easily deploy, encrypt, manage and protect your EBS volumes, and tune performance without disruption. You’ll also get extensive protection against failures with 99.999% availability and replication within Availability Zone.

Users can conveniently minimize expenses by selecting the storage best suited to their workload, with volumes ranging from the most cost-effective options for the beginner, to high-performance solutions with the fastest delivery speeds.

9. Amazon VPC

The Amazon VPC is the “Virtual Private Cloud” from Amazon, providing users with the tools they need to define and launch their AWS resources in isolated virtual networks. The VPC environment allows businesses to secure and monitor their network connections, examine screen traffic, and restrict access to instances in the virtual network. Users can spend less time setting up and managing virtual networks and more time building their applications. 

Access to various customisation options ensures Amazon’s environment can appeal to all kinds of businesses. You can choose your IP address range, access subnets, and even configure route tables too. All that, and you can access tons of support from Amazon. 

8. AWS Kinesis

AWS Kinesis is a service from Amazon supporting companies in collecting, processing, and analysing video and data streams with speeds. The service ensures you can access analytics for real-time streaming data, allowing for timely insights into new information. The Amazon Kinesis environment is designed to be efficient and cost-effective, with the flexibility to choose tools to best suit your application.

Kinesis easily ingests real-time data like application logs, audio, video, website clickstreams, telemetry data from IoT for machine learning and more. You’ll be able to rapidly process and analyse data in real-time for faster responses. 

7. Amazon SNS

Better known as the Amazon Simple Notification Service, Amazon SNS is a fully managed messaging service for Application-to-application, and application-to-person interactions. The pub/sub functionality in this service provides topics for powerful throughput, many-to-many and even push-based messaging between microservices, distributed systems, and event-driven applications.

Through SNS topics, publisher systems have the power to deliver messages to a huge number of subscriber system, including AWS Lambda functions, SQS queues, and HTTPS endpoints. You can even access 1 million requests for free with the AWS free tier and start sending messages at scale instantly. 

6. Amazon Glacier

Amazon offers secure, long-term, durable object storage classes for the Amazon S3 environment through Amazon Glacier. These low-cost solutions are excellent for archiving and long-term backup requirements, delivering sensational peace of mind, comprehensive security, and extensive compliance capabilities for any regulatory environment.

Customers can store their data through Amazon Glacier for as little as $1 per terabyte each month, achieving significant savings compared to typical on-premises solutions. AWS Glacier will ensure you can keep costs as low as possible, while managing various data retrieval needs.

5. AWS Cloudfront

Cloudfront is the CDN from AWS, or Content Delivery Network. The service executes tasks at rapid rates, ensuring the secure distribution of videos, data, apps, and APIs on a massive scale, with minimal delays. Connected with the AWS global infrastructure, CloudFront can seamlessly integrate with other valuable AWS tools like EC2, S3, and even AWS Shield. 

For companies hoping to upgrade the speed and usability of their websites, the Amazon CDN ensures you can deliver content from the right server – closest to each of your visitors. Reaching your target users is easier than ever with Cloudfront, and it supports Lambda@Edge for custom code too.

4. AWS Lambda

Want to run code without having to own or manage servers? Amazon’s Lambda service is the solution for you. You can operate your own servers with ease, only paying for the computing time you consume. Lambda is ideal for developers who struggle to manage servers over-saturated with requests. You can take care of the coding, and AWS will deliver the necessary resources, evolving to suit the needs of your changing ecosystem.

You can operate code for almost any backend utility and application through Lambda without the need for complex administration. AWS Lambda stands out as one of the most popular tools for precise software scaling and fantastic availability.

3. Amazon RDS

The Amazon Relational Database Service, or “Amazon RDS”, is Amazon’s approach to making database management, configuration, and scaling in the cloud as simple as possible. You can use this service to automate repetitive and tedious tasks like database arrangement, hardware provisioning, backups and even patching. 

Not only is Amazon RDS feature rich, but it’s cost-effective too, capable of adapting to suit your business needs. You can access RDS on various database instances, all optimized for memory and performance. The AWS database migration service will also allow you to quickly reproduce your existing databases on Amazon RDS. 

2. Amazon EC2

Otherwise known as “Elastic Compute Cloud,” Amazon EC2 is a cloud platform offering secure, resizable computing capacity to all kinds of business entities. The purpose of this service is to ensure easy access and usability to developers for cloud computing at web-scale. You also have the added benefit of having full control over your computing resources without the need to invest in hardware up-front. Users can create servers in minutes. 

Through Amazon EC2, businesses can create virtual machines, manage storage, security, and porting options, and take care of their projects with minimal upfront cost or confusion. 

1. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Lovingly nicknamed “Amazon S3”, the Amazon Simple Storage service facilitates object storage for companies searching for exceptional security, data availability, and scalability. Even the largest companies can leverage the S3 ecosystem for their storage needs, and protect large streams of data for websites, applications, enterprise backups, and more. 

Amazon Simple Storage Service intelligently distributes data in different regions, supports PCI-DSS and HIPAA compliance requirements (among others), and ensures high availability. For those with a limited budget, there’s even a free layer of S3 too.

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