At the heart of digital revolutions within the workplace, findings from Chris Price saw that Unified Communications and Agility were key. With each next leap people take in embracing new technologies, much of the workplace is still adapting to relying on smart devices rather than desktops, emails rather than communications and project management tools, segmented roles rather than a centralised business culture. Digital transformation is almost inevitable, but assuring employees and their workforce are as productive as can be is a whole different challenge. LSE released a report named The Power of Productivity, commissioned by Vodafone, that found three main factors to improve productivity in an ever-changing landscape. The three factors were: management practices, technology and a flexible workforce. The access to technology like smart devices gives employees a better feeling of comfort within the office and outside of it. Smart devices allow for communications and project management tools to operate at any time of the day, meaning the formal line between work within the office and outside of it has been blurred. In particular, this means centralising communications and allowing for analytics, business plans and meetings to be scheduled and executed at a faster and more efficient rate.
Meet Digium
One company responding to this change in demand is Digium. Understanding how important the concept of centralised business is, Digium offer the features from large call centre applications within a small budget. Noticing that much of the call centre business crumbled in segmentation, Digium saw to provide features that would get rid of compartmentalisation and lack of communication. This includes easily manageable inbound calls, faster answer-rates, multiple options for call music, caller ID that provides status reports on one's progress with the client and an in-house messaging system to name a few. The importance of centralising communication and information could not be more explicit as a demand in the coming years, companies will have to look at these solutions providers to understand what their place will be within Unified Communications and Agility.
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