Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) is all the rage right now and is enjoying significant growth. In fact, ABI Research predicts that the installed base for RaaS will grow from 4,442 units in 2016 to 1.3 million in 2026. To put that into perspective, that means multiplying almost 300 times. What's more, estimations by ABI Research show that the yearly revenue from RaaS providers could reach almost $34 billion by 2026. If these predictions are anything to go by, RaaS is going to take the tech industry by storm – but what is it and why?
Let's hear it for the bots
RaaS, despite what its name indicates, is less about machines bringing coffee to your desk (boo!) and more about robotic process automation (RPA). As a refresher, RPA is the technology saving you from tedious, repetitive tasks. RPA 'bots' take over such processes in a repetitive and reliable manner. They can capture data, oversee data entry, fill out forms, and so on. Thus, workforces can focus their energies on more 'meaningful' tasks. RaaS, however, is a new(ish) business model where robotics providers deliver RPA-style services to organisations in the cloud. This is especially handy for businesses who don't want the expense of buying and maintaining equipment. RaaS substitutes in-house hassles and costs of RPA in the form of cloud subscriptions, hence 'Robotics-as-a-Service'. This clever combo of artificial intelligence and cloud computing is particularly popular due to its flexibility. If organisations are uncertain about their RPA needs, they can roll monthly with RaaS, rather than design something in-house that could end up redundant anyway. Thus, you're only ever paying for what you need. Furthermore, RaaS is scaleable to your heart's desire – and quickly. Therefore, businesses have scope to move with the market. Along with its simplicity to manage, it's no wonder that RaaS is the as-a-Service creating the most buzz.
Making the machines happen
With RaaS, companies today have the luxury of being able to experiment with robot solutions. Not only is it very cool, but, in turn, you also get rid of those oh-so-boring and repetitive tasks. Better still, there are some truly expert companies on the horizon who can help you on your robot journey. Take Redwood Software. These guys hold automation at the heart of their business and cater for some of the largest, most successful companies in the world. In particular, Redwood Robotics™ promises to automate your back office processes "without the headache." Your hassle-free journey with them is further indicated by their ready-to-use portfolio of robotic activities. Therefore, you can quickly get on the path to a more efficient work environment. Furthermore, you can put your trust in their team of robot experts who will support you in your automation endeavours.
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