Ségolène Martin is the CEO of Kantify; a company that tailors machine learning programs to businesses to bring value to clients. They analyse sources of data and provide a solution to companies' business problems.
Through machine learning, Kantify can accurately predict which products will sell best, how to react to competitor's moves and how to set the optimum price for their product. This provides organisations with data that will ensure a constant growth using algorithms.
Martin's History
Martin has had a diverse amount of experience, starting as a coordinator for the European Committee of Regions. Furthermore, she worked as a Unit Manager for CEN and CENELEC; the European Standards Organisations. Her incredible achievements and skills in management led to her founding Meetsies; a social media platform designed for at-home use. In 2016, she co-founded Kantify which she is currently the CEO of. Developing her marketing skills at Meetsies certainly developed Martin's knowledge of how to compete with other companies. Kantify enables companies to do this due to their incredible AI innovation.
What pricing challenges do companies face?
Martin notes that pricing is very challenging. Prices change at a rapid rate, noting that supermarkets in countries such as France or Germany change prices 4 billion times a year. As a competitor, this is difficult to keep on track of. Scoping out data can be incredibly difficult. You have to mix internal and external data however it's difficult to integrate with a constant price change. Martin notes that there are many decision makers that decide on the price of your product. This can lead to a conflict of interest.
How can Kantify help?
Kantify uses algorithms and machine learning that analyses data, studies trends and provides companies with the best pricing strategies. By following these trends through an automated system, Kantify can keep companies up to date with the best pricing strategy in order to match their competitors.
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