The Role of Contractors in Digital Transformation by Chester Avey

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation where digital transformation has become a necessity, rather than a luxury. Many businesses that may have shunned, or at least sidelined the digital aspects of their company in the past can no longer afford to do this. While the worst of the pandemic may be over there is significant evidence to suggest that it has changed consumer habits - and this change may be permanent. 

Increased digital adoption has been the most noted customer behaviour, as individuals have had to get used to the idea of buying products and using services online. Digital transformation has fast become a crucial component for businesses’ to consider in order for their survival. 

Even those companies that are primarily physical businesses need to understand that customers do research, make decisions, and even look to complete transactions for a full range of services, entirely through their smartphones or other devices. However, this rush for digital transformation has caused problems for some companies. 

Trying to do too much too soon can cause problems in terms of security, implementation, and correct deployment. But this is where it can be sensible to work with contractors. Providing you with the skills your business needs, contractors can be an extremely valuable solution for your digital transformation. 

Bringing in a specific skill set 

One major area of digital transformation can be the implementation of technologies that your business might not be familiar with. You might find that you have the skills in-house to manage the new system and solutions, but don’t have the actual initial expertise to manage the installation and deployment of these technologies. 

“Depending on your current infrastructure and the in-house resources you have available, taking on a website migration can be daunting,” says Gerald Tombs, CEO of ClearHub, a technical IT specialist contractor recruitment service “the thought of extended downtime on one of your most mission-critical tools may have even put you off taking on a migration - this is the perfect place where contractors can help”. 

Contractors are more than just short-term workers - they can actually provide you with the skills that you need for an extremely specific project, but perhaps one that you won’t require work on for a longer period of time. Having the flexibility to bring in workers with a specific skill set, but not having to lock them into a long-term contract can not just make digital transformation faster and cheaper, it can simply make it possible in the first place. 

Technical skills at the right price

It is undoubtedly the case that many businesses need to evolve their IT setup and more fully embrace digital transformation. But the idea of doing so can seem far too expensive and time-consuming. It is well-known that there is a shortage of highly skilled IT workers, and this not only makes them harder to recruit but also in some cases also makes them prohibitively expensive. 

Larger organisations might be able to fund the outlay required to bring in a skilled team to manage their digital transformation. But for SMEs and startups also looking for the benefits of evolving in the digital sphere, it may simply not be possible to spend the kind of money that would be required to bring in the best talent in-house. 

Utilising contractors here can be a more cost-effective way of working. Your business will get the expertise you need to move forward, and you can simply use the contractor for the duration of the project that you need them for. 

Final thoughts

Digital transformation may well be the difference between struggling to survive and enjoying a thriving business over the next few years. Those companies that aren’t willing to take the necessary steps to bring their operation in line face competition from businesses with much better access to potential customers. 

Using contractors with sought-after IT skills can be a fantastic way to ensure your digital transformation is managed effectively. As companies are forced to adjust to the post-Covid-19 landscape, the onus is on leaders to make the decisions that allow them to move forward and embrace the change in the marketplace.