We recently attended the Call and Contact Centre Expo at the ExCel London to learn more about some of the key trends in the market today, which, as it turns out, is proving a big shift towards contact centre AI technology. Contact centre AI technology is not new to the market, but some of the methodologies and technologies that are being used are proving to be more groundbreaking than ever before.

Contact Centre AI: Formula 1 Technology

Using Formula 1 AI in order to reduce noise at contact centres is one of the most interesting pieces of kit we were lucky enough to witness at this event. Reporting at major sports events is difficult enough with the noise of thousands of fans, but how do you navigate around the sound of roaring engines that are zooming past at 200mph? The key is using AI to create a noise cancelling experience. 

If you have already added 2+2 together, you might have come to the conclusion that this technology can be used at noisy contact centres. With dozens of extra employees making calls everyday, the experience for the consumer can be disorientating. How many times have you been called by someone from a helpdesk only to be bombarded with a plethora or additional voices and noises in the background? Not anymore. Iris's contact centre AI technology, which developed as a result of their history in Formula 1, is proving to be one of the most exciting bits of kit on the market. Check out the video above for the full scoop.

Recognising the Modern Use of Contact Centre AI and Other Technologies

With market trends shifting everyday, it's natural to look to the consumer to understand their requirements, what they already use, and how we can adapt to fit their demands. Contact centre AI might be advancing at a rapid rate but so is consumer AI; we already know that consumers use Siri regularly to ask questions, get help and provide ease of access to tech in their everyday lives. 

Five9 have found a way to implement an "Intelligent Virtual Agent", which augments the interaction for the human in order to provide a better customer service. Five9 recognises that this cannot replace human interaction, but what they can do is use AI technology in order to improve customer experience. Check out the video above for the full story. 

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