Meet the tech minds who have innovated against the pandemic backdrop; who have raised the bar when we needed it most; who have not only helped businesses survive but thrive.
CloserStill has gathered the leaders who have dug deep and found new levels of creativity, innovation, and resource and have transformed already agile processes to ensure even more ground-breaking levels of problem-solving for this year's Tech Show London 2022 on 2-3 March at ExCeL London.
Technology for business, government, the third sector and the health service is more vital than ever before. Hence, CloserStill thought they would make their latest line-up of expert keynote speakers more unmissable than ever before. With 5 co-located shows under 1 roof, you can be sure to find a product, service, and/or solution that suits your needs. From Cloud and Cybersecurity to DevOps and Big Data, they have it all.
Register here for FREE access to all shows and join us to:
- Hear from global thinkers and practitioners
- Be inspired by stories of ongoing challenges when it comes to diversity and inclusion, the skills shortage, finding and training the next generation, cybersecurity, preventing bias, and working with AI
- Listen to the big questions being answered
- Learn how to move your strategy forward leaps and bounds and think more expansively about your data and its impact on the world
Not bad for just a day or two out of the office!