You are calling up a customer support network. You’re put on hold. You’re waiting for twenty minutes before someone picks up the line. By this point you’re frustrated and you just want your problem solved. We have all been there.

What’s the solution?

In this informative podcast, Genesys talk about improving customer service through modern technology. Noting that services such as premise are unconnected to different departments and that customers want results instantaneously, Genesys offers a solution. Using AI and cloud technology, customer service is optimised to provide solutions instantaneously. Tune in to this podcast to learn how Genesys is transforming customer service.

Today’s customer world is getting younger and more digitally savvy by the minute. Applications are falling into the increasing demand to move to the cloud and adaptability in this ever-changing tech landscape seems to be a must. In this episode, cloud based contact centres are argued as a crucial next step to embrace the most updated form of productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Jon Arnold, principal of J Arnold & Associates, is joined by Bobbi Chester and Randy Carter, the Senior Director of Product Marketing and the Product Marketing Architect at Genesys respectively; the three talk cost effectiveness, how agents should engage with customers and why customer experience is so important when turning to a cloud based contact centre.