Digital transformation is a process rather than a project, but data is ultimately central to this important shift. This is according to a whitepaper from ClickFox, which therefore urges companies to "transform the way in which they operate with data."

Explosion of data

Regardless of size or industry, many companies are now recognising the importance of digital transformation. In fact, ClickFox asserts that enterprises are coming to this realisation in part because of the "explosion of data" collected through "servicing, marketing, IoT, and social media channels."

Nevertheless, this increase in information is useless if companies fail to capitalise on their data. It is thus crucial that enterprises alter the way in which they operate with data in order to extract its inherent value.

According to ClickFox, companies cannot afford to keep customer data siloed. However, disconnected datasets are an "all-too-common reality for many businesses" due to the difficulty of altering organisational operations.

Digital transformation is now crucial

Today, customers are becoming increasingly empowered when it comes to interacting with businesses. As a result, it is more important than ever to provide "optimal customer service" by tracking customer interactions across all channels.

If an enterprise fails to deliver quality customer service, they could suffer from severe brand damage. It is evident that businesses must now focus on the most successful way to undertake digital transformation with customers in mind.

First and foremost, waiting is not an option for companies seeking to enhance their digital strategy. Without digital transformation, in fact, "companies risk putting themselves at a serious competitive disadvantage to their market rivals."

The importance of a platform

Although digital transformation can be tedious, the right platform can alleviate some inherent challenges. Traditional spreadsheet-based analytics are now redundant so enterprises must consider innovative new platforms.

Digital transformation demands an integrated architecture that consolidates all data and systemises it in format and structure. It is also vital that the said platform allows any user, regardless of their level of technical expertise, to query data entries.

In effect, this enables "constant iteration on the data" and greater visibility for employees across departments. As a result, this dramatically reduces the time to harvest invaluable insights from datasets.

The platform provides immediate availability of a company's data, which enables users to question data in real-time. Users can therefore reduce the cycle of analysis, recommendation, change, and measuring improvement from a year to a month.

With data that is ready for analysis and consistent across departments, companies can harvest valuable information. As ClickFox notes, however, it is integral that businesses "stop hesitating and start with a modest project that can help build internal momentum for greater digital transformation."

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