A recent PGi report found that 44% of leaders would rather use a smartphone for Unified Communications and Collaboration. As collaboration continues to increase in the workplace, the demand for mobile devices is on the rise. It evident that mobile technology has now become integral to the way in which companies operate. Despite its importance, however, many enterprises are still failing to cultivate a mobile workforce.

Mobilising a mobile workforce

"Mobile technology is a force multiplier," according to a whitepaper from West Unified Communications Services. In fact, the company insists that it is also a "workforce multiplier" as it enables enterprises to expand their domestic and global reach. Mobile technology also strengthens customer relationships, while building high value partnerships and empowering employees to accomplish far more. As the whitepaper insists, companies can "accomplish far more, far more effectively" using existing talent and resources. Within the hypercompetitive markets of today, companies face increasingly difficult demands and expectations. As a result, enterprises must now adopt new ways of increasing productivity and performance. "Mobile technology offers a path forward," West observes. Indeed, there are now reportedly 6 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide and 75% of the world’s population has access to a mobile phone.

Optimising the enterprise with mobile

According to the whitepaper, mobile technology can help optimise a company's performance in three key spheres. Talent management, partner management, and customer management could all benefit from advanced mobile communications solutions. In order to optimise these areas, however, it is crucial to deploy a mobile workforce enablement solution. In effect, it should address the "key factors of successful mobile communications." There are reportedly three essential dimensions of a mobile communications solution. First and foremost, mobile access and connectivity is critical as employees must have access to communications infrastructure when on the move. Secure VPN Connectivity and Virtual Private Networking (VPN) are essential tools that grant secure remote access to corporate data. Next, it is crucial that employees have the ability to collaborate with colleagues who work in different offices. Mobile interaction and collaboration tools should be reliable, secure and simple to use. Finally, a mobile solution should account for the fact that "market opportunities are increasingly global in nature."

How can companies improve customer experience? Max visited the Call and Contact Centre Expo to find out in Episode 10 of Tech Chat