This week, several US airlines were unable to fly due to an IT failure linked to a legacy system. However, this incident is just one example of the disastrous consequences of unscalable, unreliable legacy software. As a result, more companies are now opting to modernise their legacy software applications. In fact, modernisation is absolutely crucial to becoming (or remaining) an agile, flexible, and scalable business.

Modernisation challenges

As Expero point out, modernising a legacy software application can be incredibly difficult. According to software consulting company, "there are many moving parts technologies from which to choose." Many enterprises therefore face a number of challenging questions when it comes to modernisation. Common queries focus on how to strike the right balance between legacy and new technology solutions, or how to integrate legacy systems with newer technology in a cost-effective manner. Moreover, many companies are unsure how legacy integration will affect their overall costs for a project build. Enterprises are often unable to choose when to overhaul existing legacy systems, while they fail to recognise a user interface (UI) framework and subsequently are unfit to choose which one to use. Nevertheless, Expero is able to answer all of these questions on the process of modernisation. Their multi-disciplinary team can modernise a company's full stack, while advising on the "best environment for the new, modern version" of an application.

Modernisation solutions

Many companies prefer to update or migrate a particular aspect of an application, such as optimising a supply chain. In order to do so, Expero uses graph technology to infuse any supply chain with graph visualisations. The company also uses data science and machine learning to provide real-time predictions on traversal lead times. Using transactional records, this tool can also prevent fraudulent activities by determining which entities in the group are behaving anomalously. In addition to this, Expero offers a Customer 360 solution, which essentially illustrates a customer journey in real-time. As a result, companies can acquire new customers, retain existing customers, and grow using customised recommendations. Expero's "INSIGHT methodology is agile-based and designed for maximum output with minimal time", as the company notes. As a result, their "end goal is to create business changing applications that are not just visually attractive but drive revenue, cut costs, and decrease time to market."

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