This white paper discusses what innovative manufacturers consider when choosing a scalable, performing and efficient database for Industry IoT data, and how to put that data to work in real time to handle complex, highly concurrent queries in milliseconds whilst analysing historic data for machine learning algorithms.

  • Data management is the spinal cord of IIoT processes
  • Database for IIoT needs to be dynamic, ready to be adopted and optimized
  • Choosing the right database with cost efficiency in mind is a necessity to avoid unnecessary high database costs in the future

Existing databases don’t fit the needs of modern industrial applications: CrateDB was created to fill that void. It is a database purpose-built for the modern industry, designed to offer the combination of features that are most important for the success of IIoT. Combining the best of both worlds, CrateDB is a distributed SQL database built on top of a NoSQL foundation. It specializes in cases where huge volumes of data are continuously coming in from different sources, providing real-time responses which allow you to visualize, monitor and control complex operations in real-time. And it all is done while keeping the costs low.